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Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Z0wCCXI

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Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Z0wCCXI

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    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-10-15

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Alito Sun Oct 25, 2015 2:47 pm

    Yggdrasil Magic
    Exclusive to Alito
    Both Offensive and Defensive

    Magic Description
    Yggdrasil Magic is a form of magic derived from the Norse gods, along with the legendary, mythological creatures and fellow persons below them on the hierarchy. Yggdrasil Magic shapes these gods, creatures and people alike into living ice with distinct abilities alongside their creation. These creations differ in basic statistics such as speed, strength, and willpower. The more powerful a creation is, the more of a benefit it will have on the user, or negative impact on the opposition. Their living forms are ice due to the snowy environment in which those of the Yggdrasil class originate.

    Perks of Magic
    Fusion: Alito has the ability to deconstruct a living creation, then merge it with another living creation to enhance the ranked damage it can apply. However, by doing so, Alito makes that living creation twice as easy to destroy. Also, Alito cannot add ranks together that would sum to a rank higher than his own.
    Communication: All of the items in Alito's arsenal (unless mentioned otherwise) have a voice that only Alito can communicate with. To others, it seems like Alito is talking to himself.
    Swap: Alito's living creations have the ability to instantly swap positions with him during whatever time period. The problem with this, however, is damage: Should this ability be used to prevent Alito from being struck by an attack, he will only be fully immune to damage if the damage applied to the new target is equal to the creation that was repositioned. If this is not the case, Alito will receive damage equal to the difference between his relocated creation's rank and the opposing force/person/power/spell. To elaborate, for instance, if Alito chooses to have a B-Ranked creation become the new target of an A-Ranked attack, even though Alito was no longer there to become victim to the assault, he will still take the difference between B-Rank and A-Rank in damage according to the rules.

    Naturally, ice is the weakest match-up against fire, as fire easily melts ice. This same instance applies with Yggdrasil Magic versus any form of Fire-based magic. Should a time like this come, two new situations will arise. The first situation concerns collision of spells. Should an Yggdrasil and Fire-related spell collide, the Yggdrasil spell will only remain intact and continue onward if it is measured two or more ranks higher than the rivalling spell (potential buffs not included). The second situation is damage. Should Alito be struck by a fire-based spell, he will receive double the damage that spell would normally inflict upon its victim. For example, if Alito were to suffer from an originally D-Ranked spell, if that spell's element is fire, Alito will suffer C-Ranked damage, instead.

    The third weakness (as the weaknesses regarding fire count take up two) pertains to an illusion. Initially, Yggdrasil creations are fearsome, intimidating and deadly to their opponents. However, only a few have guessed that being able to physically strike the creations, regardless of buffs or magic, can break them apart. All that must be considered is rank. To elaborate, if the person of equal rank strikes an Yggdrasil creation just physically (again with magic and/or buffs not included) even once, the creation will be crushed. If a situation like this occurs, an additional post will be added to the amount of posts Alito would normally have to wait to use that same creation once more.

    With all that makes Yggdrasil Magic comes great strengths. The first notable strength is how quickly a creation is awakened. Simply put, a creation can arise instantly, with all abilities active immediately. Yggdrasil creations come from other dimensions, and so technically, they are already prepared for various situations, hence why they can come into play so swiftly. All the user has to do is call their name, and in an instant, the creation will awaken.

    The second strength of Yggdrasil Magic is versatility. In the simplest way possible, there is no counting how many creations can be made in the figurative book of Yggdrasil Magic as every person who has lived prior to Alito with this magic has used their own form of spells. Yggdrasil Magic, though it takes on the form of creations from the Norse gods, permitted those such as Alito and his ancestors to make their own unique abilities for each spell in their arsenal.

    The third strength of Yggdrasil Magic is the earth element. Ice covers earth with ease, which in this case is also reflected upon the ice created by Yggdrasil Magic. To elaborate, Yggdrasil Magic will overwhelm earth-related spells of equal rank (unless that earth-related spell is buffed from an outside source somehow) with ease.


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 4l20wZQ

    Name: Geri

    Rank: D

    Type: Offensive

    Range: N/A


    Description: Geri is a sword named after one of the two wolves of Odin. Geri has the ability of putting a curse on whatever living thing it touches. This curse is an illusion that puts the victim in a new reality. This new reality is a frozen wasteland, with the victim seemingly imprisoned in ice, though in actual fact, they are still mobile. Geri's presence only lasts for two of the user's posts, while if it strikes someone successfully, the victim falls under the illusion for one post. It takes three posts for Geri to become active in the user's arsenal once more. The sword is 9 inches in length and 2.5 inches in width.

    Extra: Geri has his own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. His personality is much like Alito's, except Geri is selfish, and puts all of his desires before Alito's. He is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, he is a long-lost spirit embedded into his own weapon, and so when held, his spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Name: Freki

    Rank: D

    Type: Offensive

    Range: Self


    Description: Freki is a sword of ice capable of postponing one buff, enhancement, or self-applied spell for two posts. In other words, the enemy will be unable to use that same buff, enhancement, or self-applied spell for two posts. Freki's ability can only be used once per post. Freki's presence only exists for two posts before it must go idle for three posts. Freki is 7 inches in length and 2 inches in width.

    Extra: Freki has her own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. Her personality is almost identical to Alito's, but she is overprotective. Otherwise, she is very kind and caring. She is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, she is a long-lost spirit embedded into her own weapon, and so when held, her spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Name: Árvakr

    Rank: D

    Type: Defensive

    Range: Self


    Description: Árvakr is a shield capable of multiplying to the point of enduring a spell of any size, but only of D-Rank status. However, if it does so, Árvakr will only last for one post. Árvakr requires three posts to restore. Árvakr can only be present for two posts.

    Extra: Árvakr has his own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. He is generally pessimistic and mean to everyone but Alito. However, he is caring and considerate of Alito's well-being. He is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, he is a long-lost spirit embedded into his own shield, and so when held, his spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 01UG7Sa

    Name: New Reality: Odin

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 25 meters

    New Reality:

    Description: The land of the idle. This allows Alito to enter the New Reality of Odin, where he can access either Geri or Freki while under their idle states, and duplicate either sword perfectly. This, in return however, will increase the original resting period of the sword grasped by 1 post.

    Extra: Please imagine this image covered in ice so it can relate better to the magic being discussed.

    Name: New Reality: Loki

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 25 meters

    New Reality:

    Description: This is the land of New Reality: Loki, where both he and the opponent (just one) are brought to this new dimension. Just as Loki is a god of tricks, so is this new reality. Should the user or opponent move 20 meters from where they stood prior to entering this New Reality, they will become entirely immobile for one post, frozen from clear ice. As a cost for such a powerful change in scenery, however, Alito must increase the resting period of an idle spell by 1 post. If no spells are currently in a resting period, the next time Alito uses a spell, that spell will have its resting period increased by 1 post. Those who escape from being in a frozen state automatically remove themselves from this realm.

    Extra: Please imagine the image covered in ice so it can relate more to the magic being discussed.

    Name: Hati Hróðvitnisson

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: Self

    Hati Hróðvitnisson:

    Description: Hati Hróðvitnisson is Alito's ace sword. If Hati Hróðvitnisson cuts through a spell, that spell is deflected with perfect accuracy, and doubled in speed. This description of the sword only applies to C-Ranked spells. Hati Hróðvitnisson is 10 inches in length and 3 inches in width. Hati can only can only use its ability once per post, for two posts, and requires a three-post cool-down afterwards.

    Extra: Hati Hróðvitnisson is the only spirit in Alito's arsenal that is unable to communicate with Alito by any means, and has no history of any sort of personality behind his name.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] TPuH4kG

    Name: Eir

    Rank: B

    Type: Defensive Summon

    Range: 45 meters


    Description: Eir is a goddess on the Yggdrasil tree. Eir can make herself the instant target of an incoming spell. Eir can handle up to one amount of B-Ranked damage before being destroyed. Eir is active for three posts before becoming idle for four posts.

    Extra: Eir has her own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. She is generally nice, friendly, outgoing, but her worst trait is definitely being moody when she comes across someone unappealing to her tastes. She is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, she is a long-lost spirit who, when summoned, has her spirit connected to Alito's, which then allows for interaction.

    Name: Yggdrasil's Clock Tower

    Rank: B

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 45 feet

    Clock Tower:

    Description: Yggdrasil's Clock Tower is a structure that, with its summon, surrounds the user and all enemies within 45 feet of the tower with a clock planted into the ground by pure magic essence. This clock tower can be destroyed by a single amount of B-Ranked damage. This spell comes with a unique set of rules:

    • During each of the opponent's posts, the clock shifts one hour.
    • Per summon, the clock only lasts 5 posts, meaning it can only shift 5 hours unharmed.
    • If the clock tower is destroyed (always positioned next to the user), the clock planted on the ground moves back two hours.
    • If the clock is summoned enough times, and manages to shift 12 hours, everything within the purely magic clock's boundaries (45 meters) other than the user is frozen instantly. Other characters are only frozen for one post.
    • The user of this spell cannot move more than 45 meters while the tower is active.
    • This tower cannot be used once more in a thread after it has reached its 12-hour period.
    • Atop the spell rules, the tower has a 6 post cool-down. This also comes with the reminder that this spell lasts for five posts unless destroyed (as mentioned above).


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] VUl2SUP

    Name: Yggdrasil Force

    Rank: A

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 70 meters

    Yggdrasil Force:

    Description: Yggdrasil Force allows the user to automatically freeze anything 75 meters from himself. Even fire can become frozen in this form as Yggdrasil Force eats away at atoms that would, for example, otherwise create the burning effect fire possesses. The freezing effect of Yggdrasil Force only lasts for one post on a living foe, while its duration otherwise is 5 posts. This freezing effect can only be used during the first, third, and fifth post of its duration. Once this duration ends, Yggdrasil Force becomes idle for 6 posts.


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] ZpYOaPu
    {S-Rank Spells here}

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 7pCf7pz
    {SS-Rank Spells here}

    Last edited by Alito on Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:14 am; edited 19 times in total

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 323
    Join date : 2015-12-06
    Age : 23

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Genesis Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:47 pm

    Hi there, my name is Genesis and I'm here to grade your app.

    First off for the guild, please change the name to Soulcalibur for it is the new name of the guild.

    Can you explain how each of your spells can communicate with you? And state their personality a bit.

    Please note that each attack made by each weapon does not equal its rank (for example Geri cannot cause D rank damage per hit) for it is too OP if it is like that.

    New Reality: Loki is slightly too OP as you stated that if the user moves even just one inch they stay completely frozen which cannot be defended against. Hati Hróðvitnisson, you can't just cut all C rank or lower spells, I will allow once per post however. Also the range for C rank is 625 meters radius max for all of the C rank spells.

    For Eri, state how many C and D rank spells she can deflect. And since Eir is a B rank spell it doesn't make much sense she can fully nullify an A rank spell. You can put that she can cancel out 50% of the damage however. For the clock tower, please state the range is 45 meters radius maximum.

    Finally for the Yggdrasil Force know that you can increase the range to 75 meters radius.

    Bump when changes have been made~


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-10-15

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Alito Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:45 pm

    Alright, I think I got everything mentioned! Thanks for the evaluation, and please let me know if anything else needs to be changed. I apologize for the very short personalities. I found that the personalities weren't really that important, especially since they can communicate with Alito, so I just put basic traits- nothing too special.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 323
    Join date : 2015-12-06
    Age : 23

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Genesis Wed Dec 16, 2015 6:56 pm

    Freki: You may cancel only ONE buffs, enhancements, or self-applied spells per post. This ability also needs a cooldown for.

    Hati Hróðvitnisson: You still need a cooldown for this one. You cannot simply keep cutting 15 C rank spells in a post.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-10-15

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Alito Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:02 pm

    Changes made once again. Thanks for another evaluation!

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 323
    Join date : 2015-12-06
    Age : 23

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Genesis Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:17 pm

    Sorry for the long delay. But it looks fine. First approval given.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Selenia Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:30 am

    Hello Alito, my name's Selenia and I'll be grading your app for second approval today! My notes will be in red.

    Alito wrote:
    Yggdrasil Magic
    Exclusive to Alito
    Both Offensive and Defensive

    Magic Description
    Yggdrasil Magic is a form of magic derived from the Norse gods, along with the legendary, mythological creatures and fellow persons below them on the hierarchy. Yggdrasil Magic shapes these gods, creatures and people alike into living ice with distinct abilities alongside their creation. These creations differ in basic statistics such as speed, strength, and willpower. The more powerful a creation is, the more of a benefit it will have on the user, or negative impact on the opposition. Their living forms are ice due to the snowy environment in which those of the Yggdrasil class originate.

    Perks of Magic
    Fusion: Alito has the ability to deconstruct a living creation, then merge it with another living creation to enhance the ranked damage it can apply. However, by doing so, Alito makes that living creation twice as easy to destroy. Also, Alito cannot add ranks together that would sum to a rank higher than his own.
    Absorption: Alito's living creations have the ability to absorb ice. However, the only kind of ice Alito's living creations can absorb are naturally formed ice; magically-created ice, or magically-manipulated ice cannot be absorbed.
    Does absorption do anything, or is it more for RP value? Also, is there any limit on this? Can they absorb an entire glacier?
    Swap: Alito's living creations have the ability to instantly swap positions with him during whatever time period. The problem with this, however, is damage: Should this ability be used to prevent Alito from being struck by an attack, he will only be fully immune to damage if the damage applied to the new target is equal to the creation that was repositioned. If this is not the case, Alito will receive damage equal to the difference between his relocated creation's rank and the opposing force/person/power/spell. To elaborate, for instance, if Alito chooses to have a B-Ranked creation become the new target of an A-Ranked attack, even though Alito was no longer there to become victim to the assault, he will still take the difference between B-Rank and A-Rank in damage according to the rules.

    Naturally, ice is the weakest match-up against fire, as fire easily melts ice. This same instance applies with Yggdrasil Magic versus any form of Fire-based magic. Should a time like this come, two new situations will arise. The first situation concerns collision of spells. Should an Yggdrasil and Fire-related spell collide, the Yggdrasil spell will only remain intact and continue onward if it is measured two or more ranks higher than the rivalling spell (potential buffs not included). The second situation is damage. Should Alito be struck by a fire-based spell, he will receive double the damage that spell would normally inflict upon its victim. For example, if Alito were to suffer from an originally D-Ranked spell, if that spell's element is fire, Alito will suffer C-Ranked damage, instead.

    The third weakness (as the weaknesses regarding fire count take up two) pertains to an illusion. Initially, Yggdrasil creations are fearsome, intimidating and deadly to their opponents. However, only a few have guessed that being able to physically strike the creations, regardless of buffs or magic, can break them apart. All that must be considered is rank. To elaborate, if the person of equal rank strikes an Yggdrasil creation just physically (again with magic and/or buffs not included) even once, the creation will be crushed. If a situation like this occurs, an additional post will be added to the amount of posts Alito would normally have to wait to use that same creation once more.

    With all that makes Yggdrasil Magic comes great strengths. The first notable strength is how quickly a creation is awakened. Simply put, a creation can arise instantly, with all abilities active immediately. Yggdrasil creations come from other dimensions, and so technically, they are already prepared for various situations, hence why they can come into play so swiftly. All the user has to do is call their name, and in an instant, the creation will awaken.

    The second strength of Yggdrasil Magic is versatility. In the simplest way possible, there is no counting how many creations can be made in the figurative book of Yggdrasil Magic as every person who has lived prior to Alito with this magic has used their own form of spells. Yggdrasil Magic, though it takes on the form of creations from the Norse gods, permitted those such as Alito and his ancestors to make their own unique abilities for each spell in their arsenal.

    The third strength of Yggdrasil Magic is the earth element. Ice covers earth with ease, which in this case is also reflected upon the ice created by Yggdrasil Magic. To elaborate, Yggdrasil Magic will overwhelm earth-related spells of equal rank (unless that earth-related spell is buffed from an outside source somehow) with ease.


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 4l20wZQ

    Name: Geri

    Rank: D

    Type: Offensive

    Range: N/A


    Description: Geri is a sword named after one of the two wolves of Odin. Geri has the ability of putting a curse on whatever living thing it touches. This curse is an illusion that puts the victim in a new reality. This new reality is a frozen wasteland, with the victim seemingly imprisoned in ice, though in actual fact, they are still mobile. However, Geri, as a D-Ranked creation, can only put this illusion on C-Ranks, at most. Geri's presence only lasts for two of the user's posts, while if it strikes someone successfully, the victim falls under the illusion for one post. It takes three posts for Geri to become active in the user's arsenal once more. The sword is 9 inches in length and 2.5 inches in width. Note that a strike from Geri will only deal half an amount of D-Ranked damage.
    This spell does damage of its rank and has an effect, but unfortunately it can only do one or the other. You can, however, buy a D-Rank spell slot so that you can do this with just the one weapon by giving the weapon the damage and the spell the effect, so that it would be usable once the weapon weapon was active. In addition, status effects are allowed to be used on anyone of any rank, so it doesn't have to be at max on C-Ranks. The reason for this is because higher ranks have a better chance of being able to block it.

    Extra: Geri has his own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. His personality is much like Alito's, except Geri is selfish, and puts all of his desires before Alito's. He is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, he is a long-lost spirit embedded into his own weapon, and so when held, his spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.
    As for the communication, it needs to be a perk of your magic. You might want to replace absorption with this.

    Name: Freki

    Rank: D

    Type: Offensive

    Range: Self


    Description: Freki is a sword of ice capable of postponing one buff, enhancement, or self-applied spell for two posts, as long as none are above C-Rank. Freki's ability can only be used once per post. Freki's presence only exists for two posts before it must go idle for three posts. Freki is 7 inches in length and 2 inches in width. Note that a successful strike from Freki's sword will only cause half an amount of D-Ranked damage.
    Same as before, it cannot do damage and have an effect unless you buy another D-Rank spell and have the effect on the other spell so that it can be used once this weapon is active. You can do full rank damage with Freki that way as well. Can you explain more what you mean by postponing?

    Extra: Freki has her own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. Her personality is almost identical to Alito's, but she is overprotective. Otherwise, she is very kind and caring. She is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, she is a long-lost spirit embedded into her own weapon, and so when held, her spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Name: Árvakr

    Rank: D

    Type: Defensive

    Range: Self


    Description: Árvakr is a shield capable of multiplying to the point of enduring a spell of any size and rank. However, if it does so, Árvakr will only last for one post, and require the opposing spell's cool-down to repair and return to the user's collection once more. Also, if the spell is above B-Rank, Alito will receive half the damage from the endured attack. If left in its original size (8 inches by 9 inches), Árvakr can endure two D-Ranked hits before dissipating. If it dissipates this way, Árvakr requires three posts to restore. Either way, Árvakr can only be present for two posts. If for some reason Árvakr is used for offensive purposes, he will only deal half an amount of D-Ranked damage.
    I'm going to ask you to change the description; defensive spells can only be used to block the same amount of damage as their rank, nothing more and nothing less. That means it cannot block a spell of any rank or block spells higher than D Rank. It also can't deal damage.

    Extra: Árvakr has his own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. He is generally pessimistic and mean to everyone but Alito. However, he is caring and considerate of Alito's well-being. He is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, he is a long-lost spirit embedded into his own shield, and so when held, his spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 01UG7Sa

    Name: New Reality: Odin

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 625 meters

    New Reality:

    Description: The land of the idle. This allows Alito to enter the New Reality of Odin, where he can access either Geri or Freki while under their idle states, and duplicate either sword perfectly. This, in return however, will increase the original resting period of the sword grasped by 1 post.
    This is okay for the most part, but the changes to Geri and Freki need to be made. What is the cooldown and duration for this spell? Also, the range needs to be changed. Here are the current AOE ranges:

    D-Rank: 10 meter radius maximum
    C-Rank: 25 meter radius maximum
    B-Rank: 45 meter radius maximum
    A-Rank: 70 meter radius maximum
    S-Rank: 100 meter radius maximum
    SS-Rank: 140 meter radius maximum

    It has changed since you made your magic, so I don't blame you at all.

    Extra: Please imagine this image covered in ice so it can relate better to the magic being discussed.

    Name: New Reality: Loki

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 625 meters

    New Reality:

    Description: This is the land of New Reality: Loki, where both he and the opponent (just one) are brought to this new dimension. Just as Loki is a god of tricks, so is this new reality. Should the user or opponent move 25 meters from where they stood prior to entering this New Reality, they will become entirely immobile for one post, frozen from clear ice. As a cost for such a powerful change in scenery, however, Alito must increase the resting period of an idle spell by 1 post. If no spells are currently in a resting period, the next time Alito uses a spell, that spell will have its resting period increased by 1 post. This New Reality can only affect B-Ranks, at most, or D-Ranks, at least.
    What's the cooldown and duration of this spell? Also, please refer to the changes in ranges above. Also, it can affect anyone of any rank, although they have the chance to escape if they break your spell.

    Extra: Please imagine the image covered in ice so it can relate more to the magic being discussed.

    Name: Hati Hróðvitnisson

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: Self

    Hati Hróðvitnisson:

    Description: Hati Hróðvitnisson is Alito's ace sword. If Hati Hróðvitnisson cuts through a spell, that spell is deflected with perfect accuracy, and doubled in speed. This description of the sword only applies to C-Ranked spells. Otherwise, if used for more offensive purposes, Hati Hróðvitnisson can inherit the power of both Geri and Freki, and apply them to a single foe with a successful strike, however Hati Hróðvitnisson may injure the opponent. On the other hand, though a C-Ranked spell, if Hati Hróðvitnisson is chosen to inherit Geri and Freki's power, it will only apply half an amount of D-Ranked damage. Otherwise, it will deal normal D-Ranked damage. Hati Hróðvitnisson is 10 inches in length and 3 inches in width. Hati can only can only use its ability once per post, for two posts, and requires a three-post cool-down afterwards.
    It can deflect spells, but not double them in speed. However, the other effects of it would require you to buy other C Rank spells to have those effects as spells in your magic.

    Extra: Hati Hróðvitnisson is the only spirit in Alito's arsenal that is unable to communicate with Alito by any means, and has no history of any sort of personality behind his name.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] TPuH4kG

    Name: Eir

    Rank: B

    Type: Defensive Summon

    Range: 600 meters


    Description: Eir is a goddess on the Yggdrasil tree capable of using high-class deflection methods. She possesses two broad abilities; one is to make herself the target of an incoming spell, while the other is to deflect spells with perfect accuracy. If the spell she deflects is B-Ranked or below, Eir can have the deflected spell turn to ice, and travel remotely towards its new target. If the spell is A-Ranked, all Eir can do is halve the damage of that strike. If the spell is higher than A-Ranked, Eir can fall victim to the spell instead of Alito, though a spell higher than A-Rank will instantly put her into cool-down within Alito's arsenal of summons. Eir can deflect two B-Ranked spells before dissipating, atop all of these details. At least two summons of lower rank must be used before Eir can be summoned with such abilities.  
    Two abilities, so it needs two spells. Also, range needs to be changed. Eir would only be able to reflect one B-Rank spell per post she is active, and an A-Rank spell or higher would destroy Eir and keep going. What's the cooldown and duration for this spell?

    Extra: Eir has her own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. She is generally nice, friendly, outgoing, but her worst trait is definitely being moody when she comes across someone unappealing to her tastes. She is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, she is a long-lost spirit who, when summoned, has her spirit connected to Alito's, which then allows for interaction.
    Since Eir is a living creature and not a regular weapon, she is allowed to speak without the perk.

    Name: Yggdrasil's Clock Tower

    Rank: B

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 600 feet

    Clock Tower:

    Description: Yggdrasil's Clock Tower is a structure that, with its summon, surrounds the user and all enemies within 500 feet of the tower with a clock planted into the ground by pure magic essence. This spell comes with a unique set of rules:

    • During each of the opponent's posts, the clock shifts one hour.
    • Per summon, the clock only lasts 5 posts, meaning it can only shift 5 hours unharmed.
    • If the clock tower is destroyed (always positioned 100 feet behind the user), the clock planted on the ground moves back two hours.
    • If the clock is summoned enough times, and manages to shift 12 hours, everything within the purely magic clock's boundaries (500 feet) other than the user is frozen instantly. Other characters are only frozen for one post, though under the clock's power, absolutely everything a victim has on hand also becomes frozen. In other words, buffs of all rank, items, pets, weapons and spells cannot be used. Also, should the enemy have spells or anything else idle during the time, the cool-down period will not change.
    • The user of this spell cannot move more than 100 feet away while the tower is active.
    • This tower cannot be used once more in a thread after it has reached its 12-hour period.
    • The tower can withstand one B-Ranked spell each turn without being destroyed.
    • Three other spells within the user's arsenal must be used prior to this spell's first activation. After that, if the tower is destroyed once, only two other spells must be used prior to this tower to summon it again. If destroyed a second time, there is no requirement for using certain spells before bringing the tower forth an additional time.
    • Atop the spell rules, the tower has a 6 post cool-down.

    First off, apply the changes to range to this spell. There are also small notes in the spell itself to make changes to. Finally, it can freeze an opponent's movement, but freezing their ability to use spell's is too strong. You must choose one or the other. This has many more effects than one spell, but if you wish you can add these effects with more spells.

    Extra: Anything else we should know about?

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] VUl2SUP

    Name: Yggdrasil Force

    Rank: A

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 75 meters

    Yggdrasil Force:

    Description: Yggdrasil Force allows the user to automatically freeze anything 75 meters from himself. Even fire can become frozen in this form as Yggdrasil Force eats away at atoms that would, for example, otherwise create the burning effect fire possesses. Should a person become frozen by Yggdrasil Force, all buffs are nullified, along with any self-applied spell rated B-Rank or below. The freezing effect of Yggdrasil Force only lasts for one post on a living foe, while its duration otherwise is 5 posts. Once this duration ends, Yggdrasil Force becomes idle for 6 posts.
    Only one buff can be nullified by one spell, and if it is nullifying buffs it cannot freeze people as well; that must be two different spells.


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] ZpYOaPu
    {S-Rank Spells here}

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 7pCf7pz
    {SS-Rank Spells here}

    Please make these edits and bump to let me know, thanks!

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-10-15

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Alito Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:15 am

    All requested changes made. Apologies for taking so long to edit this (life and its busy times). Do not get confused with the Clock Tower, by the way. I did edit it to only have one ability, but all of the rules mentioned only pertain to that ability for a better understanding.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Yggdrasil Magic [Completed]

    Post by Selenia Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:48 am

    Alito wrote:
    Yggdrasil Magic
    Exclusive to Alito
    Both Offensive and Defensive

    Magic Description
    Yggdrasil Magic is a form of magic derived from the Norse gods, along with the legendary, mythological creatures and fellow persons below them on the hierarchy. Yggdrasil Magic shapes these gods, creatures and people alike into living ice with distinct abilities alongside their creation. These creations differ in basic statistics such as speed, strength, and willpower. The more powerful a creation is, the more of a benefit it will have on the user, or negative impact on the opposition. Their living forms are ice due to the snowy environment in which those of the Yggdrasil class originate.

    Perks of Magic
    Fusion: Alito has the ability to deconstruct a living creation, then merge it with another living creation to enhance the ranked damage it can apply. However, by doing so, Alito makes that living creation twice as easy to destroy. Also, Alito cannot add ranks together that would sum to a rank higher than his own.
    Communication: All of the items in Alito's arsenal (unless mentioned otherwise) have a voice that only Alito can communicate with. To others, it seems like Alito is talking to himself.
    Swap: Alito's living creations have the ability to instantly swap positions with him during whatever time period. The problem with this, however, is damage: Should this ability be used to prevent Alito from being struck by an attack, he will only be fully immune to damage if the damage applied to the new target is equal to the creation that was repositioned. If this is not the case, Alito will receive damage equal to the difference between his relocated creation's rank and the opposing force/person/power/spell. To elaborate, for instance, if Alito chooses to have a B-Ranked creation become the new target of an A-Ranked attack, even though Alito was no longer there to become victim to the assault, he will still take the difference between B-Rank and A-Rank in damage according to the rules.

    Naturally, ice is the weakest match-up against fire, as fire easily melts ice. This same instance applies with Yggdrasil Magic versus any form of Fire-based magic. Should a time like this come, two new situations will arise. The first situation concerns collision of spells. Should an Yggdrasil and Fire-related spell collide, the Yggdrasil spell will only remain intact and continue onward if it is measured two or more ranks higher than the rivalling spell (potential buffs not included). The second situation is damage. Should Alito be struck by a fire-based spell, he will receive double the damage that spell would normally inflict upon its victim. For example, if Alito were to suffer from an originally D-Ranked spell, if that spell's element is fire, Alito will suffer C-Ranked damage, instead.

    The third weakness (as the weaknesses regarding fire count take up two) pertains to an illusion. Initially, Yggdrasil creations are fearsome, intimidating and deadly to their opponents. However, only a few have guessed that being able to physically strike the creations, regardless of buffs or magic, can break them apart. All that must be considered is rank. To elaborate, if the person of equal rank strikes an Yggdrasil creation just physically (again with magic and/or buffs not included) even once, the creation will be crushed. If a situation like this occurs, an additional post will be added to the amount of posts Alito would normally have to wait to use that same creation once more.

    With all that makes Yggdrasil Magic comes great strengths. The first notable strength is how quickly a creation is awakened. Simply put, a creation can arise instantly, with all abilities active immediately. Yggdrasil creations come from other dimensions, and so technically, they are already prepared for various situations, hence why they can come into play so swiftly. All the user has to do is call their name, and in an instant, the creation will awaken.

    The second strength of Yggdrasil Magic is versatility. In the simplest way possible, there is no counting how many creations can be made in the figurative book of Yggdrasil Magic as every person who has lived prior to Alito with this magic has used their own form of spells. Yggdrasil Magic, though it takes on the form of creations from the Norse gods, permitted those such as Alito and his ancestors to make their own unique abilities for each spell in their arsenal.

    The third strength of Yggdrasil Magic is the earth element. Ice covers earth with ease, which in this case is also reflected upon the ice created by Yggdrasil Magic. To elaborate, Yggdrasil Magic will overwhelm earth-related spells of equal rank (unless that earth-related spell is buffed from an outside source somehow) with ease.


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 4l20wZQ

    Name: Geri

    Rank: D

    Type: Offensive

    Range: N/A


    Description: Geri is a sword named after one of the two wolves of Odin. Geri has the ability of putting a curse on whatever living thing it touches. This curse is an illusion that puts the victim in a new reality. This new reality is a frozen wasteland, with the victim seemingly imprisoned in ice, though in actual fact, they are still mobile. Geri's presence only lasts for two of the user's posts, while if it strikes someone successfully, the victim falls under the illusion for one post. It takes three posts for Geri to become active in the user's arsenal once more. The sword is 9 inches in length and 2.5 inches in width.

    Extra: Geri has his own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. His personality is much like Alito's, except Geri is selfish, and puts all of his desires before Alito's. He is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, he is a long-lost spirit embedded into his own weapon, and so when held, his spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Name: Freki

    Rank: D

    Type: Offensive

    Range: Self


    Description: Freki is a sword of ice capable of postponing one buff, enhancement, or self-applied spell for two posts. In other words, the enemy will be unable to use that same buff, enhancement, or self-applied spell for two posts. Freki's ability can only be used once per post. Freki's presence only exists for two posts before it must go idle for three posts. Freki is 7 inches in length and 2 inches in width.
    [color=#ff0000]This spell can only be used once during its entire duration not once per post. Please edit this.

    Extra: Freki has her own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. Her personality is almost identical to Alito's, but she is overprotective. Otherwise, she is very kind and caring. She is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, she is a long-lost spirit embedded into her own weapon, and so when held, her spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Name: Árvakr

    Rank: D

    Type: Defensive

    Range: Self


    Description: Árvakr is a shield capable of multiplying to the point of enduring a spell of any size, but only of D-Rank status. However, if it does so, Árvakr will only last for one post. Árvakr requires three posts to restore. Árvakr can only be present for two posts.

    Extra: Árvakr has his own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. He is generally pessimistic and mean to everyone but Alito. However, he is caring and considerate of Alito's well-being. He is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, he is a long-lost spirit embedded into his own shield, and so when held, his spirit connects to Alito's, which then allows for interaction. Please imagine the image covered in ice for a better understanding.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 01UG7Sa

    Name: New Reality: Odin

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 25 meters

    New Reality:

    Description: The land of the idle. This allows Alito to enter the New Reality of Odin, where he can access either Geri or Freki while under their idle states, and duplicate either sword perfectly. This, in return however, will increase the original resting period of the sword grasped by 1 post.

    Extra: Please imagine this image covered in ice so it can relate better to the magic being discussed.

    Name: New Reality: Loki

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 25 meters

    New Reality:

    Description: This is the land of New Reality: Loki, where both he and the opponent (just one) are brought to this new dimension. Just as Loki is a god of tricks, so is this new reality. Should the user or opponent move 20 meters from where they stood prior to entering this New Reality, they will become entirely immobile for one post, frozen from clear ice. As a cost for such a powerful change in scenery, however, Alito must increase the resting period of an idle spell by 1 post. If no spells are currently in a resting period, the next time Alito uses a spell, that spell will have its resting period increased by 1 post. Those who escape from being in a frozen state automatically remove themselves from this realm.

    Extra: Please imagine the image covered in ice so it can relate more to the magic being discussed.

    Name: Hati Hróðvitnisson

    Rank: C

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: Self

    Hati Hróðvitnisson:

    Description: Hati Hróðvitnisson is Alito's ace sword. If Hati Hróðvitnisson cuts through a spell, that spell is deflected with perfect accuracy, and doubled in speed. This description of the sword only applies to C-Ranked spells. Hati Hróðvitnisson is 10 inches in length and 3 inches in width. Hati can only can only use its ability once per post, for two posts, and requires a three-post cool-down afterwards.
    Since just defending against a C-Rank spell would be what this should do, reflecting (since it would be defending + attacking the opponent) would need to be deflecting a D-Rank spell at max. I'll allow you to also just simply defend C-ranks, but reflecting will only occur for D-Rank spells. Lastly, the speed of the spell can't be doubled.

    Extra: Hati Hróðvitnisson is the only spirit in Alito's arsenal that is unable to communicate with Alito by any means, and has no history of any sort of personality behind his name.

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] TPuH4kG

    Name: Eir

    Rank: B

    Type: Defensive Summon

    Range: 45 meters


    Description: Eir is a goddess on the Yggdrasil tree. Eir can make herself the instant target of an incoming spell. Eir can handle up to one amount of B-Ranked damage before being destroyed. Eir is active for three posts before becoming idle for four posts.

    Extra: Eir has her own voice outside of battle, and can communicate with Alito freely. She is generally nice, friendly, outgoing, but her worst trait is definitely being moody when she comes across someone unappealing to her tastes. She is able to communicate with Alito because, just like the rest, she is a long-lost spirit who, when summoned, has her spirit connected to Alito's, which then allows for interaction.

    Name: Yggdrasil's Clock Tower

    Rank: B

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 45 feet

    Clock Tower:

    Description: Yggdrasil's Clock Tower is a structure that, with its summon, surrounds the user and all enemies within 45 feet of the tower with a clock planted into the ground by pure magic essence. This clock tower can be destroyed by a single amount of B-Ranked damage. This spell comes with a unique set of rules:

    • During each of the opponent's posts, the clock shifts one hour.
    • Per summon, the clock only lasts 5 posts, meaning it can only shift 5 hours unharmed.
    • If the clock tower is destroyed (always positioned next to the user), the clock planted on the ground moves back two hours.
    • If the clock is summoned enough times, and manages to shift 12 hours, everything within the purely magic clock's boundaries (45 meters) other than the user is frozen instantly. Other characters are only frozen for one post.
    • The user of this spell cannot move more than 45 meters while the tower is active.
    • This tower cannot be used once more in a thread after it has reached its 12-hour period.
    • Atop the spell rules, the tower has a 6 post cool-down. This also comes with the reminder that this spell lasts for five posts unless destroyed (as mentioned above).


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] VUl2SUP

    Name: Yggdrasil Force

    Rank: A

    Type: Supplementary

    Range: 70 meters

    Yggdrasil Force:

    Description: Yggdrasil Force allows the user to automatically freeze anything 75 meters from himself. Even fire can become frozen in this form as Yggdrasil Force eats away at atoms that would, for example, otherwise create the burning effect fire possesses. The freezing effect of Yggdrasil Force only lasts for one post on a living foe, while its duration otherwise is 5 posts. This freezing effect can only be used during the first, third, and fifth post of its duration. Once this duration ends, Yggdrasil Force becomes idle for 6 posts.
    So when you say it can be used during the first, third, and fifth, it can only be used once, correct? Also, although this can freeze fire, keep your magic's weaknesses in mind. The fire should be one rank lower than this spell for you to be able to freeze it.


    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] ZpYOaPu
    {S-Rank Spells here}

    Yggdrasil Magic [Completed] 7pCf7pz
    {SS-Rank Spells here}

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