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Lord Nimbus  Z0wCCXI

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Lord Nimbus  Z0wCCXI

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    Lord Nimbus


    Lord Nimbus  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2015-09-12

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Lord Nimbus

    Post by Shuhei Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:55 am

    Lord Nimbus

    Lord Nimbus  3046a87a3d981d9fe9f337cc7cf250f0

    General Information:
    Name: Nimbus
    Nicknames: Nimbus' true name is Lei Gong, and only those with Divine heritage know of this and often refer to him by this name.  Mortals however usually refer to him as Lord Nimbus
    Age + Birthday: August 15th - Nimbus appears to be in his mid twenties.
    Species: Cloud-Man  Formerly a Divine entity, Nimbus shed his immortality and descended to Earth but retained most of his Divine power.  He is now a Cloud Man, a living cloud in the form of a human.  While in his human form, he possesses the same weight and characteristics a human normally would, but at will he can wisp away in the form of a Nimbus cloud.  It is from this that all of his magic stems, taking on the many phases of clouds to produce his spells, but like a human he experiences exhaustion when over exerting any of abilities.  Emotions tend have an affect on his physical form.  When happy or content, he appears quite normal. When enraged, his body may flicker with lightning and his movements can produce thunderous noises.  There are various changes to his body that can occur and are sometimes out of his control.

    • Drift: When the time calls for it, Nimbus can adjust his bodies composition to allow for swift movement through the air, capable of moving up to 30 MPH without the addition of other spells.  His body remains solid and receives damage normally. Nimbus can Drift for a single posts at a time, with an equal cool down.
    • Nimbus Body: Possessing the body of a living cloud, Lord Nimbus does not receive damage like other mortals do.  Wounds he receives while in human form can be immediately healed to prevent any form of handicaps from occurring such as the loss of a limb, by replacing the lost or damaged tissue with Clouds that then convert to flesh.  Lost limbs require at least 3 posts to regenerate, Severe wounds such as large gashes require 2 posts to heal, and small wounds heal in only 1 post after being inflicted.  In spite of the fact that he can regrow lost limbs, he still suffers from extreme exhaustion, mental strain and pain as a result and his HP drops proportionally to the wounds he sustains like anyone else would.  When damage has been sustained, Lord Nimbus will passively regenerate 2% HP per post until fully healed.

    Special/Unique Characteristics: The only identifying Mark on Nimbus' body, is the scar on his forehead that he received from falling from the Heavens, and landing on solid Earth.  Having come from a realm full of Clouds, He wasn't quite used to the hard surfaces of the Mortal world or his fragile Mortal body.  He learned his lesson.

    Character Depth:

    Personality:  Lord Nimbus is stern individual.  He's usually very serious and quite often appears very angry for no apparent reason, possessing a natural air of intimidation, authority and Dominance.  As a temperamental deity it does not take very much to infuriate him.  Not so subtle hints of his anger are portrayed by his grinding teeth, clenching fists, forehead veins and the occasional sparks of electricity.  Whenever a spell of rage strikes him, though despite how easily he is angered, he's extremely level headed and demonstrates a remarkable amount of restraint, considering.  As quickly as he is to be enraged he is just as quick to forgive and forget as long as amends are made.  Vengeful anger on the other hand is an entirely different story.  Gods are not known to let grudges go and Lord Nimbus is no exception.  Wrong him and he will remember it for all Eternity until the wrongdoer has been punished in a manner that is fitting.  

    To the surprise of most, Nimbus does possess a sense of humor.  In the company of friends Nimbus will crack wise and tease his comrades a little.  Even when facing an enemy, he'll joke mockingly and egg them on to provoke a reaction.  This usually however results in his Friend or Foe retorting with a comeback that enrages him...  However depending on the mood of the atmosphere, Nimbus can certainly be a jovial being and is very easy to get along with.  Anyone willing to see through his tough exterior will find that he is in fact a gentle giant.  He never feels the desire to cause harm to anyone, only to right the wrongs that have been done and to defend the honor and dignity of himself and those he cares about.  So don't expect to get away too much.

    Lord Nimbus possesses a warriors mentality.  He has his own code of Honor and Moral Justice by which he lives and holds sacred, and despite his somber manner, he does have a certain benevolent quality about him.  He generally thinks little about himself except in matters of Honor and places the needs of others before his own and will always go to the aid of those in need with very little concern for his own well being.  In battle, Nimbus is a relentless enemy.  He doesn't like "Going easy" on anyone and likes to make a point whenever he steps in to a battle.  He takes his foes head on and doesn't fight dirty, considering doing so an act of weakness.  That being said, he will only fight as a last resort.  That doesn't include the occasional beat down of a rude motherf***er.  He generally takes on a leadership role when in teams, usually possessing the greatest air of authority, the kind of person people look to for answers or directions.  


    • Cigars:  The smoke inhaled from a Cigar has a vastly different effect on his Cloud body than they do on humans.  The smoke absorbs in to his body and gives him a huge rush of energy and vigor and quite frankly, he's addicted.  He carries a few dozen cigars with him at all times and will sometimes smoke two or even three at a time to sate his thirst for tobacco.
    • Noise:  As a former God of Thunder, loud noises sooth Nimbus more than they disturb him.  He absolutely loves the sound of pots and pans banging and clanging against one another.  It makes him feel right at home.  However, not used to his mortal body, he doesn't know when to cover his ears which sometimes leaves him deaf and wondering why everyone is speaking so quietly at him.
    • Storms:  One mans thunder storm is another mans sunny day.  Nimbus feels alive when he hears the roar of thunder, beckoning him like an angelic voice to return to the Heavens.  The memory of home keeps him going and during a fearsome storm there is nothing that can deter him from accomplishing his goals.


    • Authority:  There are many branches of Authority in the Mortal Realm, and all of them think they have the power to order Lord Nimbus around for some reason.  As a former God, Lord Nimbus finds this extremely insulting.  What gives them the right to command a Divine being?  No mortal Authority can command him unless they've proven themselves to be greater than he is, or worthy enough to follow.   
    • Earthland:  It's dirty, it's smelly, the temperature is all messed up, the people are rude, the food isn't that good and Clouds aren't the primary form of transportation!  What's up with that?  The Sage Realm will always be Lord Nimbus' home and Earthland will never compare to it.  Though he's growing fonder by the day.  
    • Birds:  Flying around thinking they own the sky... Who do they think they are!?  


    • Death: The concept of death is a fairly new one to the God of Thunder.  His new body is mortal and he now has to cope with the fear of Death.  He fears the uncertainty of human living and that he may not actually one day return to the Sage Realm before his Mortal body becomes a corpse.    
    • The Wrath of Heaven:  He's not exactly doing the job that he was sent to do in the Mortal Realm...  He fears that the Gods may look upon him with disappointment, and send another or even an army to accomplish the task that he was sent to do with the addition of vanquishing him as well.  
    • Never Returning Home:  Though usually boastfully confident, Lord Nimbus can't shake this feeling of doubt in his mind that he will not be capable of returning to the Sage Realm as a result of his actions on Earthland.  He shudders to think what might happen to the Sky should another God take his place as King of the Clouds.    


    • To Return to Heaven:  Lord Nimbus wasn't exactly thrilled when he was cast out of The Sage Realm to go on his little mission.  The chaotic mortal world cannot compare to The Sage Realm's perfection and the status he once held has no weight in the mortal realm either.  The memory of his own paradise lingers in his mind constantly and keeps him moving forward in to the uncertain future.
    • The Mortal Experience:  Despite how much he dislikes being in the mortal world, there are many pleasures to be had that he has not yet experienced as a human and wishes to partake in all that being a Mortal has to offer.  So far his favorite pleasure is tobacco.
    • Freedom:  As Lei Gong, he was an enforcer for the Gods.  Bound to a set of Laws and duties set in place by a much higher authority.  As Lord Nimbus, a human he is Free.  The internal conflict he feels is a great one, whether to live in paradise as a servant, or to live free as a human.  He desires the best of both worlds, which is why he has aligned himself with Sun Wukong.  The one he was sent to Punish.

    Hair: White
    Eyes: Gold
    Skin Tone: Slightly Dark
    Height: 6'10"
    Weight: 260 LBS
    Overall Appearances:
    Lord Nimbus  Vice_admiral_smoker__by_proxon-d6iwfjc

    Rank: D-Rank
    Guild: Sage Pillar
    Guild Tattoo Right Shoulder

    Last edited by Shuhei on Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:56 am; edited 14 times in total

    Lord Nimbus  D3kALDY

    Posts : 577
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Bacon Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:15 pm

    Hello! Just a simple reminder to post this application in Help Desk when done. Thanks in advance!~

    Lord Nimbus  N51AM3g

    Posts : 324
    Join date : 2015-03-13

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Krow Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:36 am

    Hello there, the Almighty Krow here, I will be reviewing your character application today.
    All of the needed changes will look like this, Bump when finished.

    Shuhei wrote:
    Lord Nimbus

    Lord Nimbus  3046a87a3d981d9fe9f337cc7cf250f0

    General Information:
    Name: Nimbus
    Nicknames: Nimbus' true name is Lei Gong, and only those with Divine heritage know of this and often refer to him by this name.  Mortals however usually refer to him as Lord Nimbus
    Age + Birthday: Appears to be in his mid twenties. We need a Birthday here, just the Month and Day, no need to add a year.
    Species: Cloud-Man  Formerly a Divine entity, Nimbus shed his immortality and descended to Earth but retained most of his Divine power.  He is now a Cloud Man, a living cloud in the form of a human.  While in his human form, he possesses the same weight and characteristics a human normally would, but at will he can wisp away in the form of a Nimbus cloud.  It is from this that all of his magic stems, taking on the many phases of clouds to produce his spells, but like a human he experiences exhaustion when over exerting any of abilities.  Emotions tend have an affect on his physical form.  When happy or content, he appears quite normal. When enraged, his body may flicker with lightning and his movements can produce thunderous noises.  There are various changes to his body that can occur and are sometimes out of his control.

    • Drift: When the time calls for it, Nimbus can adjust his bodies composition to allow for swift movement through the air.  However due to the nature of a Cloud, certain weather patterns may cause him to be gone with the wind.  At higher ranks however natural weather patterns may not have an affect depending on his mood and determination, but when fighting a mage capable of manipulating the wind this can put him at something of a disadvantage if he doesn't have the proper spells for propulsion in effect.  Often times when he's asleep, he'll accidentally begin to float up in to the sky and literally drift away while sleeping.  He's been known to wind up in some awkward places and more often than not gets lost. Add a height of 40 feet for the maximum height to which he can drift, as for speed, that will have to max out at 30 MPH. This will also need a duration and cool-down, except for when he is asleep, as I am assuming that is more of comedic element.

    • Nimbus Body: At will, Lord Nimbus can become a living cloud.  He uses this ability often in hand to hand combat to avoid receiving damage or to out maneuver his foes.  Instead of dodging something, he can simply become a cloud and allow the strike to pass through him.  A useful talent when fighting non-magical opponents, however his Nimbus body can still be harmed by magical attacks and is only a useful means of avoiding physical strikes.  While in his full body cloud form he is incapable of attacking his opponents without the use of spells and he is also incapable of launching physical counter attacks when using this to avoid damage.  Partial transformation, while leaving him vulnerable to physical attacks, also allows him to attack while moving fluidly around his opponent and over obstacles.  As a gaseous element, this includes barriers that are not completely sealed.  The keyhole of a door is more than enough for Nimbus to pass, though it may take a moment to fit his entire being through it.  Full Body transformation can only be done once every two posts to avoid damage and without the use of spells. As much as I love this racial perk, I tried the same thing with a flame body and got shot down, so I cannot in all good conscious allow you to simply phase through physical strikes. I can allow the partial transformation, but the full transformation seem excessively advantageous. Like above, I will need a concrete Duration and harsher cool-down, as being able to use it so often makes it too overpowered.

    Special/Unique Characteristics: The only identifying Mark on Nimbus' body, is the scar on his forehead that he received from falling from the Heavens, and landing on solid Earth.  Having come from a realm full of Clouds, He wasn't quite used to the hard surfaces of the Mortal world or his fragile Mortal body.  He learned his lesson.

    Character Depth:

    Personality:  Lord Nimbus is stern individual.  He's usually very serious and quite often appears very angry for no apparent reason, possessing a natural air of intimidation, authority and Dominance.  As a temperamental deity it does not take very much to infuriate him.  Not so subtle hints of his anger are portrayed by his grinding teeth, clenching fists, forehead veins and the occasional sparks of electricity.  Whenever a spell of rage strikes him, though despite how easily he is angered, he's extremely level headed and demonstrates a remarkable amount of restraint, considering.  As quickly as he is to be enraged he is just as quick to forgive and forget as long as amends are made.  Vengeful anger on the other hand is an entirely different story.  Gods are not known to let grudges go and Lord Nimbus is no exception.  Wrong him and he will remember it for all Eternity until the wrongdoer has been punished in a manner that is fitting.  

    To the surprise of most, Nimbus does possess a sense of humor.  In the company of friends Nimbus will crack wise and tease his comrades a little.  Even when facing an enemy, he'll joke mockingly and egg them on to provoke a reaction.  This usually however results in his Friend or Foe retorting with a comeback that enrages him...  However depending on the mood of the atmosphere, Nimbus can certainly be a jovial being and is very easy to get along with.  Anyone willing to see through his tough exterior will find that he is in fact a gentle giant.  He never feels the desire to cause harm to anyone, only to right the wrongs that have been done and to defend the honor and dignity of himself and those he cares about.  So don't expect to get away too much.

    Lord Nimbus possesses a warriors mentality.  He has his own code of Honor and Moral Justice by which he lives and holds sacred, and despite his somber manner, he does have a certain benevolent quality about him.  He generally thinks little about himself except in matters of Honor.  He places the needs of others before his own and will always go to the aid of those in need with very little concern for his own well being.  Can you please add a bit more about his in-battle personality, what you have right now is great, but he seems like there would be more to it.


    • Cigars:  The smoke inhaled from a Cigar has a vastly different effect on his Cloud body than they do on humans.  The smoke absorbs in to his body and gives him a huge rush of energy and vigor and quite frankly, he's addicted.  He carries a few dozen cigars with him at all times and will sometimes smoke two or even three at a time to sate his thirst for tobacco.
    • Noise:  As a former God of Thunder, loud noises sooth Nimbus more than they disturb him.  He absolutely loves the sound of pots and pans banging and clanging against one another.  It makes him feel right at home.  However, not used to his mortal body, he doesn't know when to cover his ears which sometimes leaves him deaf and wondering why everyone is speaking so quietly at him.
    • Storms:  One mans thunder storm is another mans sunny day.  Nimbus feels alive when he hears the roar of thunder, beckoning him like an angelic voice to return to the Heavens.  The memory of home keeps him going and during a fearsome storm there is nothing that can deter him from accomplishing his goals.


    • Authority:  There are many branches of Authority in the Mortal Realm, and all of them think they have the power to order Lord Nimbus around for some reason.  As a former God, Lord Nimbus finds this extremely insulting.  What gives them the right to command a Divine being?  No mortal Authority can command him unless they've proven themselves to be greater than he is, or worthy enough to follow.   
    • Earthland:  It's dirty, it's smelly, the temperature is all messed up, the people are rude, the food isn't that good and Clouds aren't the primary form of transportation!  What's up with that?  The Sage Realm will always be Lord Nimbus' home and Earthland will never compare to it.  Though he's growing fonder by the day.  
    • Birds:  Flying around thinking they own the sky... Who do they think they are!?  


    • Death: The concept of death is a fairly new one to the God of Thunder.  His new body is mortal and he now has to cope with the fear of Death.  He fears the uncertainty of human living and that he may not actually one day return to the Sage Realm before his Mortal body becomes a corpse.    
    • The Wrath of Heaven:  He's not exactly doing the job that he was sent to do in the Mortal Realm...  He fears that the Gods may look upon him with disappointment, and send another or even an army to accomplish the task that he was sent to do with the addition of vanquishing him as well.  
    • Never Returning Home:  Though usually boastfully confident, Lord Nimbus can't shake this feeling of doubt in his mind that he will not be capable of returning to the Sage Realm as a result of his actions on Earthland.  He shudders to think what might happen to the Sky should another God take his place as King of the Clouds.    


    • To Return to Heaven:  Lord Nimbus wasn't exactly thrilled when he was cast out of The Sage Realm to go on his little mission.  The chaotic mortal world cannot compare to The Sage Realm's perfection and the status he once held has no weight in the mortal realm either.  The memory of his own paradise lingers in his mind constantly and keeps him moving forward in to the uncertain future.
    • The Mortal Experience:  Despite how much he dislikes being in the mortal world, there are many pleasures to be had that he has not yet experienced as a human and wishes to partake in all that being a Mortal has to offer.  So far his favorite pleasure is tobacco.
    • Freedom:  As Lei Gong, he was an enforcer for the Gods.  Bound to a set of Laws and duties set in place by a much higher authority.  As Lord Nimbus, a human he is Free.  The internal conflict he feels is a great one, whether to live in paradise as a servant, or to live free as a human.  He desires the best of both worlds, which is why he has aligned himself with Sun Wukong.  The one he was sent to Punish.

    Hair: White
    Eyes: Gold
    Skin Tone: Slightly Dark
    Height: 6'10"
    Weight: 260 LBS
    Overall Appearances:
    Lord Nimbus  Vice_admiral_smoker__by_proxon-d6iwfjc

    Rank: S-Rank Change this to D-rank, as you must actually apply for S-Class at a later point in time once all the systems are finished.
    Guild: Sage Pillar
    Guild Tattoo Right Shoulder

    Lord Nimbus  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2015-09-12

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Shuhei Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:19 pm

    "Add a height of 40 feet for the maximum height to which he can drift, as for speed, that will have to max out at 30 MPH. This will also need a duration and cool-down, except for when he is asleep, as I am assuming that is more of comedic element."

    In the "Example" app, the character has a flight perk, which requires no cooldown or duration. Would it be possible to keep this perk as a passive ability somehow? I tried to weaken it slightly with the wind drawback, I was hoping that would be enough. Also could I make the max height a combat-only drawback? It seems sort of limiting for out of battle role playing.

    As for Nimbus Body, I think I'll change it entirely... I'll bump when those edits are done or edit this post if you haven't gotten back to me before then.

    Lord Nimbus  N51AM3g

    Posts : 324
    Join date : 2015-03-13

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Krow Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:26 pm

    Shuhei wrote:"Add a height of 40 feet for the maximum height to which he can drift, as for speed, that will have to max out at 30 MPH. This will also need a duration and cool-down, except for when he is asleep, as I am assuming that is more of comedic element."

    In the "Example" app, the character has a flight perk, which requires no cooldown or duration.  Would it be possible to keep this perk as a passive ability somehow?  I tried to weaken it slightly with the wind drawback, I was hoping that would be enough.  Also could I make the max height a combat-only drawback?  It seems sort of limiting for out of battle role playing.

    As for Nimbus Body, I think I'll change it entirely... I'll bump when those edits are done or edit this post if you haven't gotten back to me before then.

    I'm holding your flight perk to the same standards as everyone else's. I agree that 40 feet isn't much, but its what everyone else including myself were held to. As for the duration and cool-down, I find it rather silly, but it is necessary.

    Lord Nimbus  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2015-09-12

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Shuhei Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:23 pm


    Lord Nimbus  N51AM3g

    Posts : 324
    Join date : 2015-03-13

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Krow Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:30 pm


    Lord Nimbus  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2015-09-12

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Shuhei Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:37 am


    Lord Nimbus  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2015-09-12

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Shuhei Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:42 am

    bumping again.

    Lord Nimbus  89wWcWF

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2015-09-09

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Administrator Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:43 pm

    Secondary approval from Sage the bestest arrives to save the day.

    DRIFT: "When the time calls for it, Nimbus can adjust his bodies composition to allow for swift movement through the air, capable of moving up to 30 MPH and as high as 40 feet without the addition of other spells.  Often when he's asleep, he'll accidentally begin to Drift and float up in to the sky and literally drift away while sleeping.  He's been known to wind up in some awkward places and more often than not gets lost.  Nimbus can Drift for a single posts at a time, with an equal cool down."

      Kk, so, this could be treated as two abilities conjoined into one without specification. That being said, feel free to separate what sounds like the implications of intangibility in drift, into another ability. Doing that, in my book makes this ability Z-okay to me. Cooldown and usage are okie-dokie. Also, the passive drift when he's asleep, I assume it has the purpose of roleplay-location flexibility, but just in case go ahead and specify what the aim with that note is. No need to actually stick to that purpose, just for clarification purposes.

    NIMBUS BODY: " At will, Lord Nimbus can become a living cloud, transforming his limbs and torso in to a gaseous element to allow for greater freedom of movement.  He uses this ability often in hand to hand combat to out maneuver his foes. Partial transformation, while leaving him vulnerable to physical attacks, also allows him to attack while moving fluidly around his opponent and over obstacles like a form of semi-flight.  As a gaseous element, this includes barriers that are not completely sealed.  The keyhole of a door is more than enough for Nimbus to pass, though it may take a moment to fit his entire being through it.  This does not offer any form of enhancement other than movement fluidity and can be used for up to two posts at a time with an equal cool down."

      As I read it, it sounds like the reciprocal of drift, in which as opposed to a flight ability with what seems like a bit of an intangibility implication, this ability allows for intangibility with semi-flight. Now, for this one having a one-post usage per with equal cooldown actually sounds better than two posts in a row, with a subsequent two-post cool down, simply for the sake of breaking apart usages and durations better. Buuuutt, boss-lady said even more restrictions are necessary considering this is practically an additional spell. That in mind, especially since this can easily be used as a death-denier, have it at one post usage per, and two posts subsequent cooldown, with a maximum four uses per thread. Feel free to adjust max-usage rates and cooldown to counterbalance each other, with less on the max in exchange for quicker more consecutive uses, yadda yadda.

    Otherwise, this app is good to go.

    Lord Nimbus  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2015-09-12

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Shuhei Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:01 pm

    I added the sentence: his body remains solid and receives damage normally. to Drift. I also removed the sleep thing entirely because ya'll have no sense of humor. Honestly, it's a Role Play mechanic I'll just do it anyway without making it a problem in my app.

    I changed Nimbus Body Entirely... I couldn't accept the restrictions.

    Changed it to being a Healing factor... 2% HP per post base regeneration. 3 posts to regrow a lost limb, 2 posts to heal severe wounds, 1 post to heal small wounds after being inflicted.

    Lord Nimbus  N51AM3g

    Posts : 324
    Join date : 2015-03-13

    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

    Post by Krow Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:26 pm


    1. This looks good to me, just add on a single post to the cool-down and this will be good to go


    2. We discussed this one completely, so this is good to go, unless boss-lady dictates otherwise.
    So for now, you have your second approval.

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    Lord Nimbus  Empty Re: Lord Nimbus

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