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Kirishima Alito [Done] Z0wCCXI

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Kirishima Alito [Done] Z0wCCXI

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    Kirishima Alito [Done]


    Kirishima Alito [Done] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-10-15

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Alito Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:12 pm

    Kirishima Alito
    January 1st
    Sage Pillar

    Species Ability/Perk
    Odin's Eye (2 Perks): Alito is a tactician. He attempts to read the movement style and speed of the opposition to perform brilliant counters. He also utilizes this same knowledge to knock his enemies back at unexpected moments. This leads us to introduce one of Alito's two species perks: Odin's Eye. Named after a godly spell used to capture movement at any degree, once every five posts, Alito can inherit Odin's Eye, itself. This allows him to fully sense the movement style and speed- no matter how fast or slow- of a single foe. The origin of this power came from one of Alito's ancestors, who travelled the world in search of the power of Nordic gods. By giving up his own eye, this same ancestor inherited Odin's Eye, which then became a natural blessing to Alito in the future, when he would be brought to life. With this ability, however, comes a drawback. Once Odin's Eye meets the end of its duration, the user becomes fully blind for two posts. Note that this does not allow Alito to determine/predict his foe's next move.

    Special Unique Characteristics
    Is there anything that stands out in your character? Scars, tattoos, etc.

    Character Depth
    Personality: When we see Alito, it is most important to point out that he is more of an observer than any other kind of ordinary, humanlike character. He endlessly researches the world with his eyes alone, attempting to understand what brings humanity to times of war, and times of joy. The possibility of creating utopians out of humans is always on Alito's mind, as well. For these reasons, Alito has abandoned the ideas of joining a light nor a dark guild, as the two shed the most blood in the great war. As for the council, well, they get on Alito's nerves. Alito despises administrations of law. He does not like how controlling they are, and how most governing bodies seemed to have turned others either into drones, or enemies of society. Therefore, Alito has turned his back on both sides, and joined Sage Pillar; an independent guild.

    Sage Pillar caught Alito's attention the most because of its acceptance policies. Only those with unshaken wills can join, while Alito has no reason to change his views on anything, nor his actions. He does not have regrets, and does not wish to succumb to the thoughts of typical dark, nor legal activities. The main point about this all is that Alito just prefers being himself. There was this fact, and the fact that Alito never had a home to begin with. His life began in the snowy mountains of this planet, trying to find food and shelter on a daily basis, whilst now, Alito can at least experience a modern lifestyle for the exceptionally wealthy person, for that is what the fine establishment of Sage Pillar seems to display.

    Outside of battle, the white-haired male is kind, gentle and well-mannered. He has a tendency to bond with those who will not create a mess in calm environments. He will befriend anyone who can tolerate his views, and accept him for only wanting to be himself, and not change his behaviour for the light nor dark guilds. He gives his time up to support those who cannot support themselves, and ultimately grant people a reason to smile. He is strongly devoted to his guild, as rising up in his guild means becoming a high representative for those who do not wish to associate themselves with the light and dark. If in this position, someday, Alito wants to make a public announcement, and discuss why humanity has become so foolish; the personalities that need to be eliminated to prevent war. He is highly attentive, and considers the opinions of all. The feelings of those who do not harm him mean more to Alito than anything else. Perhaps this gives Alito the personality of a light wizard, though Alito's only strong desire is to make the world a better place. Friendship can be set aside.

    Battling is the hardest part of Alito's life, though he strangely finds that this is his best field of action. His magic seems entirely focused on this, you see, while both abilities Alito possesses work specifically for these kinds of events. During a fight, Alito will not speak. Under his beliefs, the use of words uses time, while time is always of the essence in a brawl of any sort. A fight to the death, especially, is why Alito prefers to keep quiet. This allows his concentration to grow exponentially, which also allows his chances of successful strikes to increase. His fighting style is that of stealth. Silence is his best friend. Hiding is his favourite activity. To catch the opponent off-guard for a great finish to a battle is key, which concludes stealth as the most befitting for the man. Far too many people these days hold the potential of becoming extremely powerful when they are able to detect their opponents, which is why Alito prefers to prohibit this view, altogether. He does not like to be looked at by another set of eyes. He is fearless, and devastating with his magic, if need be. He only fights those who deserve punishment, which brings us to note Alito's merciless side. Even if frowned upon, Alito will continue fighting until someone is unconscious or dead. Neither matters to him, as long as the person was of significant harm to society. If this is not the case, Alito will only fight until one person can no longer stand. Emotions are discarded, as Alito believes emotions summon weakness, while weakness is not something to have active in play.

    Likes: (3 minimum)
    - Attractive Women: Aside from what has already been described in his personality, Alito adores looking at women with noteworthy bodies, if possible. His ideal woman is one that looks and acts good, with great intelligence. Keep in mind that Alito will not look around to track gorgeous women, but only hope that luck is on his side to see one. He is not nearly as perverted as one would think.
    - Ice Cream: As a person who has grown in the cold, Alito loves cold treats, while ice cream just happens to be a popular one! Any type of ice cream will do, just as long as it is appropriately flavoured, and tastes good. He holds no boundaries to the quantity of ice cream he will eat in one sitting; just the amount of ice cream a person like Alito can eat until he gets full.
    - Writing- While observing humanity for what its good for, Alito admires taking notes down. His passion for this recently has also expanded into writing books, articles, plays and other forms of literature for the public to see (other than his research papers). In the future, should magic no longer be a problem-solver in a hopefully peaceful atmosphere, Alito wants to be an author. He feels children are not educated enough about their surroundings to have good knowledge of anything they see, and so Alito desires to give them a good read for their own benefit.

    Dislikes: (3 minimum)
    - Crowds- As one who chooses to stay out of people's way and observe them, the last thing Alito wants is to find himself in a huge group of people, no matter what the purpose. He has also seen how crazy some of these crowds have become in various situations. For example, he has seen fights, uproars, unbelievable cheering, and drunk people roaming freely throughout these crowds. Ultimately, the boy finds being a part of this highly inappropriate.
    - Reading- While an interesting dislike for somebody who loves writing, Alito despises looking at words. They bore him, even though he realizes that people will have to read his own material, should he become an author in the future. Today, fictional books seem to surge in the book industry, which increases Alito's hate especially as he cannot comprehend the imagination of some people. He prefers seeing things his own way.
    - Magic Council- Alito does not like the control the Magic Council seems to possess. They can arrest someone whenever they wish to, it seems. In his eyes, he dislikes the council because they have so much authority over the likes of others. They were one of the biggest problems that led to the war; the other being the most corrupt in the dark guild area. Most importantly, Alito does not like the thought of having himself profiled by the council, or observed by a government, in general.

    Fears: (3 minimum)
    - Defeat- Alito cannot help but imagine outside of battle what it would be like to lose a fight. He knows that nothing good comes out of it, other than advice to improve. In his opinion, however, Alito believes defeat is a sign of weakness, while weakness is almost like a sin in his mind- for him, at least. Defeat to Alito could also mean failure to protect something or someone important, or the loss of something or someone precious. Generally, Alito, for the sake of only accomplishing and not failing, only desires winning.
    - Death- Alito, while he is most often an observer of humanity, also wants to make the most of his life. He does not want to die unexpectedly, or endure a sensation of pain equivalent to one's death. He wants his life to remain intact for as long as possible, and not to miss out on the endless opportunities life has to offer. In Alito's opinion, life is unfair and corrupt, but it does have a few prizes for those who are able to endure it, regardless.
    - Drowning- The strangest fear Alito has. While in battle, Alito understands that the utilization of water is just a threat, and will not harm him until he actually begins to lose breath. His personality in battle is fearless, which makes him oblivious to this fear, surprisingly, acting as if water is of no concern. Once outside of battle, however, Alito will never desire coming across an exceptionally big body of water. He is not trained to swim, and fears falling so deep underwater that he will not be able to return to the surface and be able to breathe. In this instance, Alito will have the realization that water can be scary, and he will therefore try and not come across it at any given point. This fear also correlates with death, which Alito does not want to experience unexpectedly.

    Motivations/Goals: (3 minimum)
    - Relationships with Fellow Humans- As a fellow human, Alito understands that this species has done wonders in the past. They have performed miracles, achieved the impossible, and improve physically and mentally to an endless extent. Therefore, Alito can believes he can do this too. He foresees the chance to become an author, world peace, the end of world hunger, etc. Basically, whatever the average human can do, Alito can do, as well. The sky is the limit, in Alito's world, whilst anything has a possibility of being accomplished.
    - God Status- Alito figures that an extraordinary power such as magic was bestowed upon certain individuals by supreme forces, at least, which he believes hints the desire to become just as supreme as the forces that apparently granted this power of magic, in the first place. In other words, for someone who thinks that magic was given to him, and not born with it, Alito wants to impress the person or thing responsible for this ability capable of leading to other abilities. He wants to become someone better than a human; a god, if possible. He wants to make his own creations, and possess immeasurable power in the afterlife.
    - War- Alito is motivated to eliminate the forces responsible for creating the wars light, dark, independent and guildless wizards had to suffer in order to achieve peace. War takes innocent lives away, and brings beautiful cities, towns, provinces, countries and continents to ruin for invalid reasons. Everyone has a purpose to live, in Alito's opinion, no matter how short. Also, while Alito does not want to die unexpectedly, he would also hate to see others fall under the same misfortune. War seems to be the biggest trouble for this, and so the young lad hopes to prevent it at all costs (other than his own life).

    Hair: White
    Eyes: Sapphire
    Skin Tone: Pale White
    Height: 5 feet 8 inches
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Overall Appearances:


    Guild: Sage Pillar
    Guild Tattoo: Left Shoulder

    Last edited by Alito on Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:55 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Kirishima Alito [Done] ODFYPdI

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-09-07
    Age : 27

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Fūjin Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:44 pm

    Hi there I am Fujin and I'll be grading your app today, so lets work together taking this step by step Onion 25

    okay so everything seems fine apart from your Species Ability/Perk, you need to explain how you naturally have these abilities. Is it a curse? A blessing? A bloodline ability caused by one of your ancestors' magics? We need to know more infomation. After I have this bit of infomation we can work on the powers of the abilities.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-10-15

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Alito Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:35 am

    Required edits made.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] ODFYPdI

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-09-07
    Age : 27

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Fūjin Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:22 pm

    Okay now that I know the origins of your Species Ability/Perk, so lets get to it ^^

    So you can rename your first perk from Intelligence to Odin's Eye as you didnt inhert enhanced intelligence but a magical pair of eyes thanks to your ancestor. I can agree to it being used once every five posts but I would like a draw back for using it. Also following the rule regarding senses, having enhanced senses would count as 5 perks. With the fact your eyes capture movement at any degree (which I would like to be changed to be any movement in your range of vision which could get further with each rank you go up) and the ability you have to memorize the breathing patterns, movement style, angle trajectory and speed of the opposition. I am going to count these as 5 different perks this ability would give you and would like you to pick one of them.

    As for your second ability Time Acceleration, while I see a speed boost to be a completely fair speices perk I will not allow it to be achived through the manipulation of time as that is too over powered for a character's natural ability. Also I would want to it to have a draw back just like your Odin's Eyes as I am fine with the cool down you gave it.

    Okay thats all for now, please bump once these edits have been made.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-10-15

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Alito Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:21 am

    Removed Time Acceleration completely and adjusted Odin's Eye to count as 2 perks instead of the unintentional 5. Apologies for the previous errors made in my application.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] ODFYPdI

    Posts : 28
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    Age : 27

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Fūjin Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:52 pm

    Don't worry about making errors on your applications. It human to make mistakes and its the reason we grade applications ^^

    So I am going to ask you t clearify sometging for me because I am begining to get confused with something Do the eyes allow you to fully sense the movement style and speed- no matter how fast or slow- of a single foe and then predict your target's next move?

    Kirishima Alito [Done] FcB4idF

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    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Alito Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:56 pm

    No. Clarified that for you just now in the application.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] ODFYPdI

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-09-07
    Age : 27

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Fūjin Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:01 pm

    Okay awesome, before I approve this I would like some sort of draw back from using this ability. Because as it stands it seems like the only one whom had any sort of draw back is your ancestor.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] FcB4idF

    Posts : 28
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    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Alito Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:02 pm

    The drawback is there already. Fully blinds my character for two posts after usage.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] ODFYPdI

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2015-09-07
    Age : 27

    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Fūjin Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:11 pm

    Ah so it does my mistake and apoloigies. Congrats you have your first approvel.

    Kirishima Alito [Done] D3kALDY

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    Kirishima Alito [Done] Empty Re: Kirishima Alito [Done]

    Post by Bacon Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:35 pm

    was told this needed a second approval *hands it over* given~

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