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Remix, The Wandering Soldier Z0wCCXI

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Remix, The Wandering Soldier Z0wCCXI

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    Remix, The Wandering Soldier


    Remix, The Wandering Soldier ODFYPdI

    Posts : 29
    Join date : 2015-09-08

    Remix, The Wandering Soldier Empty Remix, The Wandering Soldier

    Post by Remix Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:00 pm

    Remix, The Wandering Soldier BW4bBZK
    Isabelle A. Salem
    "The end is only the beginning..."

    Name: Isabelle A. Salem
    Nickname: Remix
    Age: "19"; September 21st
    Species: Human [Baby Amaterasu/Neko]; Remix was born to a Nekomata and a being with connection to the god Amaterasu. Due to having more of a connection to the Amaterasu side of her familiy, Remix, like many other half breed, has gained the ability to change into the form of one of her ancestors and obtain abilities of such being.  
    Species Ability/Perk:
    1. Remix, The Change: Remix has the ability to change into her animal form. Changing forms can only happen once per post.
    Special/Unique Characteristics:
    1. Ears & Tail: Isabelle has both ears and a tail due to her genetic coding
    2. Golden Head Piece As not many people are accepting of those who are different, Isabelle uses a golden head piece in order to hide her ears. Even if it doesn't fully hide her ears, she can at least use it as a distraction.
    3. Glasses; Although she has no need for them, Isabelle tends to use glasses when she reads for long periods of time. Perhaps in an effort to look sophisticated. But, then again, she could just really like wearing them

    Personality: Isabelle A. Salem can be described in a single word -an enigma. She is a woman who holds many faces and her mind is not easily one to comprehend. Even if one were to somehow read her mind, they would find it to be a jumble. It is therefore curious that although her mind is a world of chaos and disorder, she can make perfect sense of the craziness running throughout her mind. Nonetheless, no one truly knows who she is nor what she can do. It is then safe to say that no one truly has seen her various faces. After all, if they were to find out her real goals and intentions, everything would backfire. As to who she truly is, or if Isabelle is really her name, no one but herself knows. It is then no mystery then that Isabelle is an adventurous woman with the love for danger and the great unknown. After all, her line of work 'behind the scenes' for the d'Blakc household requires it. Isabelle is one who seeks the adrenaline thrill, unafraid to put her life at risk. As such, she is considered a daredevil;; always one tempting death. Isabelle is not one to be afraid to try new things and usually can be seen diving into a situation, but rarely without a plan at hand. Remix is a secretive woman. She is not one to talk about herself or her past unless she trusts the person or if the information is needed. She controls her emotions, sealing them deep within her heart. Remix dislikes being a burden to anyone so she may oftentimes conceal her feelings although she will gladly help out others.

    Isabelle enjoys spending her time outdoors. This has made her become a rather independent woman, but she enjoys working and spending time with people nonetheless. Isabelle can be deathly loyal to a fault. That said, she is one to rush back into the line of fire to rescue and or help out a teammate in danger. She is one to plan before acting and think before speaking in order to keep herself out of trouble. She isn't one to quickly trust, yet she isn't afraid to work with strangers to reach and complete her goals. Like most, she tries to keep herself on her toes so that she isn't taken by surprise. If someone does earn her trust, then they will find her an invaluable asset. Isabelle isn't one to back down. She fights until the end. This is due to her pride. It is then safe to say she is a competitive woman. She finds it hard to ask for help, but if she ever does, it means she respects the person greatly. As learned and instilled upon her person, when Remix gives her word, she honors it no matter the consequences it may bring. It is, after all, what she got herself into and it is her duty to keep it. Reputation, for her, is what matters most. More than life itself for it marks the person forever, even after death. Isabelle is a warm hearted person although she isn't one who shows it. She cares about people and will help them whenever she can. She is of curious nature, forever seeking answers to unanswered questions. This, though, may get her into a heap of trouble from time to time.

    Isabelle is an emotionally strong woman; a woman born to battle. As her forefathers before her, she excels in the art of soldiering and covert operations and also knows her way around military operations. When in the field, she is not afraid to look upon death for she rather enjoys the pounding of her heart and the rush of adrenaline that courses through her veins. Remix is not only that but  also a capable leader as well. Isabelle is a woman who fights until the end, even if the fight is not entirely in her favor. Even so, and as much as it pains her, she is smart enough to know when to retreat. Yet despite having this option, she has never used it at all nor does she wish to use it any time soon. On the occasion she would though, she would never see it as surrender but rather tactical retreat for a reevaluation of the opponents. After all, one must know their opponent and reform a way to fight them if they were underestimated at first. Therefore, as stated above, it is not  surprise Isabelle was bred a soldier through and through. Nor a surprise that she enjoys fighting for the codes she has lived under -justice and honor. Isabelle is of quick of mind and speech, able to lie and maneuver her way through nearly anything as her appearance can be used to throw people off course. As such, she can almost always manage to find a way out of situations or into them if she so wishes. Her calm and collected nature are quite indeed useful for covert operations as she almost never raises suspicions. After all, who would guess a woman of delicate appearance could possess the ability to take care of herself and know the ways of a soldier?[/color]

    -Seafood; Isabelle is a lover of seafood. From shrimp to lobster, she loves it all.
    - Felines; Isabelle is what most would consider a 'crazy cat lady.' She is obsessed with feline creatures. This is perhaps due to having cat ears and a tail herself.
    - Tea; Isabelle loves to drink tea as well as host tea parties for guests.
    - Books; Isabelle loves to read. It is a passion of hers.

    - Bright Lights; Isabelle dislikes flashing bright lights, especially during the night. It not only blinds her momentarily, but it gets her dizzy for a few seconds as well.
    - Blushing; Isabelle hates the fact that she blushes when people flirt. She likes having the cold demeanor and blushing ruins that.
    - Unnecessary Fighting; This, for Remix, is both a waste of time and of energy. She finds it better to wait for the correct circumstances before issuing a fight.
    - Sexism/Gender Inequality; What guys can do, women can do as well. Furthermore, gender inequality is a pet peeve of hers

    - Her Dreams/The Dreamscape: Isabelle doesn't quite understand the dreams she has and so she dubs that side the Dreamscape. She both fears it yet wishes to find out what it all means.
    - Water; Isabelle has always had a fear of water. Not in small portions, mind you, but as in large bodies of waters such as in oceans, lakes, rivers, and the sort.
    - Outcast; Isabelle has been considered an outcast for as long as she remembers. Therefore, she is afraid she shall forever be considered that way and, thus, never truly find a place where she belongs. After all, home is where the heart is.
    - Magic; Isabelle is afraid that she one day lose her affinity with the life aspect of her magic. On top of that, she is afraid that she may one day use her magic for dark purposes even if not by her own will

    -1st Kodor; Isabelle aspires to be a well known healer and practitioner of her art yet in order to fully be able to channel her power, she must first transcend to the 1st Kodor. That is where she knows she truly has mastered her art to a great length.
    - Travel; Isabelle wishes to travel and see the world outside of her own. Not only that, but she wishes to obtain knowledge on her art of healing and life magic and traveling, in her opinion, is where she can truly learn it.
    - Love; Isabelle wishes to fall in love when the time is right and perhaps even start a family of her own. This though, is not something she concentrates on and looks for right away, but, rather, this is something to look forward to in the future once she deems the time is right.
    - Secrets; Despite being of seemingly passive nature, Remix is full of secrets. As to what those secrets are, she gaurds with her own life.

    Hair: Café Grey
    Eyes: Honey/Hazel Colored
    Skin Tone: Pale, Fair Skin
    Height: 170.1800 cm (5ft. 7in.)
    Weight: 57.606231kg (127lbs.)
    Overall Appearances:

    It is said that Isabelle is a woman who portrays a regal and delicate appearance. They are not wrong.  Isabelle is a thin, yet well built woman of five feet and seven inches weighing at about one hundred and twenty five pounds. She has straight, cafe gray colored hair that flows past her shoulders up til her waist with honey/hazel colored eyes to match it. Isabelle rarely puts her hair up, preferring to have it to flowing freely as she moves. Oftentimes, Isabelle will be found wearing a uniform like dress. The following spoiler contains much more description on her appearance, especially with trademark items.

    Rank: D-Tier [Novice]
    Guild: Dragon Heart
    Guild Tattoo: On her right shoulder; Dark, navy blue

    Remix, The Wandering Soldier D3kALDY

    Posts : 577
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    Remix, The Wandering Soldier Empty Re: Remix, The Wandering Soldier

    Post by Bacon Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:24 am


    Remix, The Wandering Soldier N51AM3g

    Posts : 324
    Join date : 2015-03-13

    Remix, The Wandering Soldier Empty Re: Remix, The Wandering Soldier

    Post by Krow Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:24 am

    Zed The Workaholic
    Zed The Workaholic

    Remix, The Wandering Soldier OPwF1AW

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2015-09-07

    Remix, The Wandering Soldier Empty Re: Remix, The Wandering Soldier

    Post by Zed The Workaholic Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:20 pm

    Ahem given the approval of a sample I will be grading this according to an Idea made in the staff chat as such this will be regraded in several ways.  Without further adieu your grading will commence, before I start know that you must not take anything I say as an attack against you just grading based off of the common assessment grading point we use for this system now then your grade. GOOD LUCK! Guest.

    Depth Into Perks: To be honest, this pretty much speaks for itself however I would have prefered that you add more onto this, this is completely optional but you can go into depth on the dimensions of the animal form she shape shifts into, the color, the type of animal, details like that, those kind of things would help give more detail to your perks complete look, saying you transform into an animal form is bland, yes you provided an image for the animal however dimensions on the said animal would have been nice as I can't tell dimensions off of an image according to that image your wolf form is 1/2 inch wide and an inch tall.  That is pretty small, consider yourself squashed in that situation, but given that wasn't what you meant it is a different story, however I would prefer you go into more detail.  Possible Grade: 10/10  Actual Grade: 2/10

    Detail In Personality: Before even reading the personality you went above and beyond the word count for the personality, points to you! Now then the actual assessment to this section. While reading this I can get a full understanding to your character, it is very detailed even for being a short personality.   You still went above and beyond and added a great amount of detail.  Should you add more to it though? I mean you can but in all honesty it would just add fluff to the situation and would probably lower your grade as it would get redundant, over all I see nothing wrong here this is well done so good job!. Possible Grade:10/10 Actual Grade:10/10

    Attention to Detail: Alright lets look at the first Unique characteristic on the list which is the ears and tail. Alright you have ears and tail, fantastic but go farther than that and explain details such as dimensions, size, what kind of ears and tail, things such as that.  This seems rather dull and vague, I mean yes seeing a character in FT with ears and tails is pretty imaginable and easy to see however without the dimensions I will just assume you have panda ears and a fluffy ball tail. Onto the Golden Head Piece, same with the ears and tail, you can go into more detail on the overall dimensions, looking at the image I can see the color but the dimensions are hard to tell, but this is more easy to picture than just saying Head Piece so kudos to that. Now then to the glasses, alright so from what I see your character has no need for glasses so I am to assume they are not prescription and are fake? If so it might be best to place that there because if your character doesn't need them and uses them to look sophisticated then well one, eventually she would go blind and two, she would have a really bad headache.  The picture helps with the overall image of the glasses though. Possible Grade:10/10 Actual Grade:4/10

    How Well do you we know you: Alright so she loves seafood, but why? If you just say your character likes this and hates that it kinda seems vague, why does your character like this and what does she hate that and so forth. In my opinion this section is vague and lacking over all out of the others. I believe you should add a bit more to this section Many of them you go into detail on why and all that but some you actually don't so if you can go back and correct this that would have been awesome and you would have gotten a higher grade but unfortunately as it stands this is the final grading period so all things are final after this post. Possible Grade: 10/10  Actual Grade:3/10

    My Overall Opinion on the app: All in all this isn't that bad of an app there were some parts that were lacking but it honestly wasn't that bad, some lack in attention to detail here and there but you did go above and beyond in the personality, I actually could feel and see how your character felt which is a good thing so kudos on that. Couple things though, you went rather lazy in certain spots and went minimal standard in other spots because of that it kind of hurt your grading but this app was very well done, don't let that discourage you I will approve this app, now then your final grade.

    Final Possible grade:40/40  Actual Final Grade:20/40 

    You are currently applying for D rank, in all honesty I think you could pass for a C rank, Let me know under this post if you wish to apply for C-rank or not, if not then enjoy the D-rank and welcome to Fairy Tail Online, you are all approved and set to go!

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