Fairy Tail Online RP

Lucina Pacifica Z0wCCXI

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Lucina Pacifica Z0wCCXI

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    Lucina Pacifica


    Lucina Pacifica ODFYPdI

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2015-12-13

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Lucina Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:34 am

    Lucina Pacifica
    October 29th
    A Rank
    Neutral Evil

    Species Ability/Perk
    A Spirit, in this case, is some sort of aura of a dead human who didn't pas away to the next world and stayed in it's original one. This way, the spirit was able to strongly posses a human. The spirit can't leave the body by normal means because of it's weak state as a spirit.
    Possessed: Since the spirit isn't 100% linked to that body as someone actually is, the spirit itself won't feel pain nor will have to feed, sleep or breathe. The body itself also shows no life as it has no pulse and won't breathe, but will look normal for people since it can't grow in age and always looks as fresh as anyone else.
    Regeneration: As as spirit, this evil aura has enhanced the flesh around it to regenerate quicker in order to avoid fatal wounds. This can close any type of wounds. This however has a weak but constant heal, 2% at D rank, 3% at C rank, 4% at B rank, 5% at A and S rank, 4% at SS rank and 3% at X Rank (these are all per post). Also, at X rank, this effect can only cure a total of 18% in any thread.

    Special Unique Characteristics
    A VI tattoo in her left shoulder.

    Character Depth
    First of all, the name of the body was Lucina Pacifica, she was a young beautiful world who died in a terrible "accident" which was actually caused by the spirit. The spirit, the new owner of the body is named Six or Vi (which means 6 in roman numbers). Vi was a evil mage who dedicated her life to destroy happiness in families and simply enjoyed watching people suffer, she wasn't beautiful though, she was quite ugly and was avoided by men and woman (since she was actually lesbian) in her young ages. Now that she is beautiful, she enjoys seeking other humans to play with. She is a pervert after all. Now, she somehow a very bipolar person, she has a strange humor because of the mi of what Lucina's soul left in her body and her evil original spirit. But she is almost 100% evil and won't change no matter what. She can sometimes be a bit silent and unfriendly as well as completely cold. In that state she won't actually care about killing people or actually doing stuff, she'd rather do nothing but think about her life. The second state, which she most commonly reaches and prefers to be in, is a more friendly state. She talks a lot and likes to flirt or kiss people just because. She likes to be the center of attention in that state and usually prefers to have fun rather than working, but dealing pain will always be fun for her, that's why she loves to fight so much. In a fight, she'll have no mercy but will probably be playing around and laughing a bit, not only to intimidate the enemy but because it's simply something she loves to do. She usually has this strange idea that she has to kill anyone she falls in love with, and that's quite easy. She can quickly find you attractive, but after fighting a bit with you, she'll literally start to love you to the point where she'll do anything to kill you and eliminate you. This is probably her most weird habit, but before she kills anyone, she likes to see pain in their face. She somehow thinks that's cute.

    -Fighting: She enjoys dealing pain and this is the easiest way to do so.
    -Woman: She is a lesbian and sort of a pervert, so yes, she likes woman.
    -Dealing Pain: She is a psychopath and simply enjoys looking at it.
    -Fish: Her favorite food.
    -Kissing: It's something she likes to do. Why? Just because.
    -Her beauty: Very important to her, that's why she chose that body after all.

    -Men. Her love life enemies, she isn't a man, she doesn't sexually like men, why would she enjoy being with them? That's her logic.
    -Sweet food: She thinks everything sweet will make her fat.
    -Sunny days: Sun is simply something she doesn't like, she prefers stormy weathers and rain.
    -Kids: She just can't tolerate those dumb humans near her.

    -Losing her current body since she thinks it's beautiful. She was ugly once and won't be ugly twice.
    -Not being able to love, it's just a dumb idea she has and fears.
    -To kill everyone important to her. She doesn't want to get too out of control since she already knows she's quite crazy.

    -Meeting more woman to love. She was rejected in her first life, she won't be her second and last one.
    -Revenge by killing those who rejected her when she was still alive, woman. So just as she loves them, she internally hates them and will try to kill them all.
    -Becoming more powerful. As simple as becoming stronger to be able to achieve any other of her other goals.

    Hair: Blond/Yellow and long
    Eyes: Blue
    Skin Tone: Light
    Height: 1.74
    Weight: 104 lbs
    Overall Appearances: Here


    Guild: Wolfsbane
    Guild Tattoo: Right Leg (thigh) It's purple

    Last edited by Lucina on Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:56 pm; edited 9 times in total

    Lucina Pacifica Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 323
    Join date : 2015-12-06
    Age : 23

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Genesis Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:05 pm

    This is all fine. First approval given.

    Lucina Pacifica Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Selenia Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:19 pm

    Hey Lucina, my name's Selenia and I'll be grading your app for second approval!

    Just to clear things up, could you explain your second perk more clearly? I just want to make sure I understand it right. What's the % at SS-Rank? I just want to see how it compares to a normal healing spell. Thank you!

    Lucina Pacifica ODFYPdI

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2015-12-13

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Lucina Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:00 am

    How about now

    Lucina Pacifica Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Selenia Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:41 am

    Thank you so much for clarifying. Unfortunately, I'm going to ask you to put a three post duration on it and at least a four post cooldown. The reason why is this: at X-Rank, a healing spell heals an X-Rank Mage for X-Rank spell damage (18%) over two posts. So it would be 9% the first post and 9% the second post) before going on cooldown. If I understand it correctly, your perk at X-Rank would heal for 6%. That means that in three posts, it would do the same amount of healing as an X-Rank spell. Now then, if you want to change your perk, possibly make it 9% at X-Rank and have the duration be two turns and have an at least 3 post cooldown, that's fine with me. You can also choose to leave it at 1% for every rank, in which case it could just have an 18 post duration and 19 post cooldown, which is really like it just being passively active, if you want it to be more like a passive than a spell, since I don't see you needing to heal for more than 18 posts. In any case, the way your spell works is basically as Healing over Time, and that's why I'm asking you to give it a cooldown and duration. Once it heals for the same amount as a spell of its caliber, it has to go on cooldown. I understand there's a longer cooldown because of that, but that's one of the drawbacks of this type of spell. The benefit is healing over a longer period of time while you can focus on attacking or defending.

    In any case, please let me know what you decide on and bump once you're done making the edits. If you have any other ideas you want me to consider, that's fine too, just say them here. Thanks!

    Lucina Pacifica ODFYPdI

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2015-12-13

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Lucina Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:44 am

    I decided to have it in a duration of 2 posts with a high heal but a high cooldown as well, Instead of making it 3 for a 2 post duration, I added 3 more posts to the cooldown in order to double the heal. What do you think?
    I was also thinking, we could say in 2 posts I heal 9% with 3 post cooldown right? So what if I used that cooldown as part of the duration, so lets say, in this case, I'm healing a total of 9% each five posts. If I make it a permanent 2% heal, I would heal 10% each five posts but in a longer duration which would make me more vulnerable to fatal blows overall because of the duration sustain it gives me. Even if I heal a bit more, I think this could be fair, but it's not up to me, so the question is, is this possible have?

    Lucina Pacifica Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Selenia Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:35 pm

    As to the second part of your question, i think that would be fine. The numbers are a bit flexible, and I appreciate you being so helpful, so if you want to change it to that it would be fine. As it is now, however, the thing with the doubling of the heal is that this makes it exceptionally potent in battles, so even with the increased cooldown it's still a little much. If it healed 9% per each post for two posts at X-Rank that would be fine, but 18% per each post for two posts is a lot. I hope you understand, and thank you so much for being so patient.

    Let me know what you decide to do, and once you've made the edits, please bump so I can know. Thanks!

    Lucina Pacifica ODFYPdI

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2015-12-13

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Lucina Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:45 pm

    Oooooohhhhhh Razz we were thinking different, I thought you said I'd heal 9% over 2 posts meaning 4.5 each of those posts. But now that I understood what you mean, I fixed the numbers and made it a permanent but fair heal, the idea I had. It basically has the power a spell would have at that rank but it's constant which won't allow me to survive finishing blows. So, how about that? how does it look? Because for example, at S rank I'd heal about 12.5 each post for 2 posts (total of 25) and then enter in a cooldown of 3 right? With this passive heal, I end up healing 25% but in a total of 5 posts, same thing but applied a bit different, is this cool? or should I change it?

    Lucina Pacifica Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Selenia Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:09 pm

    Is there a cooldown and duration? You didn't state one in the perk. Also, the way you had it before was fine if it was the way normal heals work, but yeah just let me know what you decide.

    Lucina Pacifica ODFYPdI

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2015-12-13

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Lucina Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:16 am

    Well, the way I had it right now, it's a permanent heal, but it heals the same amount overall with the 2 Duration 3 post cooldown option. I just divided what you heal in those posts but in 5 posts to cover the cooldown. That's what I'd Really like to have.
    Also, changed my rank to A rank since I was approved ^-^

    Lucina Pacifica Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
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    Age : 29

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Selenia Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:03 am

    Ah okay I see, this way is fine, but it's still going to need a cooldown and duration. Otherwise it would end up being able to heal more. Over 10 posts, it would heal 40% at X-Rank. An X-Rank spell would heal for 18% over 2 posts, then have a 3 post cooldown. Then, if they activated the spell again, it would heal for 18% over two posts, then have a 3 post cooldown. That's 36%, and yours is 40%, and the gap only keeps getting bigger and bigger from there. There's also the fact that you don't even need to activate it as it passively heals you once you take damage (I believe), which is a bonus but I'm fine with that. But yeah, it needs a duration and cooldown otherwise it will be even stronger than an X-Rank healing spell at X-Rank. The duration and cooldown would keep it from getting too strong.

    Lucina Pacifica ODFYPdI

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2015-12-13

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Lucina Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:56 pm

    Oh wait, I miscalculated X Rank, now it even goes lower in time, if it had duration and cooldown I'd recive 36% while now I'd receive 30%, and same thing, gap gets bigger and bigger, so, is this fair? or do you still want me to have duration and cooldown?

    Lucina Pacifica Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Lucina Pacifica Empty Re: Lucina Pacifica

    Post by Selenia Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:16 pm

    Approved ^^ If we decide soon that SS Rank can only be used twice per thread or any rank has changes as well, I'll have to ask you to cap this at 23% for SS Rank as well depending on what is decided.

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