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Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Z0wCCXI

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Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Z0wCCXI

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    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)


    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-10-05

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Voxel Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:17 pm

    Voxel Lexel Lexov

    Alias Name: Voxel Lexel Lexov
    True Name: Vaclav Ochieng Xiang Eadwulf Laird
    Nickname: Silent Shadow
    Alignment(s): Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Good/True Neutral
    Age: 25
    Date of Birth: September 13th
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human
    Species Ability/Perk:

    1.) Chi Manipulation-Invisibility: From where Voxel is from, the world mana to him is called Chi, and it is associated with spiritual energy. By mastering his Chi he is able to alter the world around him to a certain extent, Voxel is able to make basic Illusion by altering the flow of Chi around him. This version of his power allows Voxel to turn invisible and able to avoid detection, as with training can become more power, but at a great cost.

    Ability: Can avoid detection.
    Rank-D: D Rank mages do not detect Voxel
    Duration: 1 turn
    Cool Down: 2 turns

    Rank-C: C rank and below mages do not detect Voxel
    Duration: 2 turn
    Cool Down: 4 turns

    Rank-B: B rank and below mages do not detect Voxel
    Duration: 3 turn
    Cool Down: 6 turns

    Rank-A: A rank and below mages do not detect Voxel
    Duration: 4 turn
    Cool Down: 8 turns

    Rank-S: S rank and below mages do not detect Voxel
    Duration: 5 turn
    Cool Down: 10 turns

    Rank-SS: SS rank and below mages do not detect Voxel
    Duration: 6 turn
    Cool Down: 12 turns

    Rank-X: X rank and below mages do not detect Voxel
    Duration: 12 turn
    Cool Down: 24 turns

    2.) Chi Manipulation-After Images: From where Voxel is from, the world mana to him is called Chi, and it is associated with spiritual energy. By mastering his Chi he is able to alter the world around him to a certain extent, Voxel is able to make basic Illusion by altering the flow of Chi around him. This version of his power allows Voxel to make it appear as though there are multiple versions of himself. They are able to move and speak as him, but this is not without a cost, instead they are used as a distraction, and henceforth can't be used to attack others.  

    Ability: Can make after images of himself, which can be destroyed by disrupting the stable image. (AKA. Stabbing image or altering the flow of Chi/Mana around it removes current image from world.)
    Rank-D: Allows for one after image to be made
    Duration: 1 turn
    Cool Down: 2 turns

    Rank-C: Allows for two after image to be made
    Duration: 2 turn
    Cool Down: 4 turns

    Rank-B: Allows for four after image to be made
    Duration: 3 turn
    Cool Down: 6 turns

    Rank-A: Allows for eight after image to be made
    Duration: 4 turn
    Cool Down: 8 turns

    Rank-S: Allows for sixteen after image to be made
    Duration: 5 turn
    Cool Down: 10 turns

    Rank-SS: Allows for eighteen after image to be made
    Duration: 6 turn
    Cool Down: 12 turns

    Rank-X: Allows for 32 number of after image to be made
    Duration: 12 turn
    Cool Down: 24 turns

    Special/Unique Characteristics:

    1.) His form: Voxel has a very deceiving body as well as facial features, he looks almost to be that of a woman from a certain distance. And at times will be mistaken for one even by his own family, friends and foes if he doesn't recorrect them from time to time.

    2.) Tattoo: Under his eyes, right upon his cheekbones in the upper region, there lies two dark purple or black lines that resemble a smeared line. These lines are actually tattoo's and are in the shape of a curved triangle, these resemble the mark of a true ninja in his home village.

    3.) Scarf: It was a gift to him by his mother, and Voxel is always seen with it, he never takes it off, nor does he allow anyone to touch it.

    4.) Scars: His body is covered in them, due to his training as a child, as such due to him not able to learn from his mistakes. He has them to show for his childish antics and his ability to learn from failed tasks and lessons.

    + Personality: Voxel is a person who is of the alignment of Chaotic Good, and due to this can be rather complex and is not one who has a simple thought process, he tends to think things out first. Often making complex battle plans while also being simplistic in a sense. Beside his complex mind when it comes to battle planning, and strategy, he is a very docile and calm person. He has a level head when it comes to conversation, and interacting with other humans, for he needs to in case he is in enemy territory. He is a manipulative person who will often twist his words in a way so he can gain something out of a deal, he often will take advantage of combat or vocal situations. With being very manipulative and a calm person, lies a deadly side to his rather cool and calm self, being a ninja he needs to be deceptive.

    Voxel, if ever pushed to letting his true side come out this is when his True Neutral alignment will come out, he will flourish into a killing machine who will kill all those who are considered the enemy. He will not be merciful either, when pushed into his true ninja mindset, he will be precise and calculating. Cold hearted, and vicious, he won't let down until his target is dead, or in a state so he can bring them back to his employer, Voxel can be one of the most inhuman people around. The one thing that he tends to avoid though is children and animals, if a job requires the death of either one he will not participate, and will abandon the task. But when not taking on a ninja mindset, making battle plans or taking advantage of others he is usually training or drinking Sake. Voxel is a Sake drinker and has a high tolerance to the alcohol, while he usually drinks the soft brands, will drink heavy variants of it.

    Voxel also has a obsession with training, and jewels, he will do almost anything to become stronger and make money. While his obsession for money is rather tame, his lust for power is not, if you can offer him Sake he will take that over money, but you can't drive him away from training. To him, training is his key source of getting more powerful, and saving his spot as the heir to his families fortune and land. Which of course is the meaning of his last name, "Laird" means "landowner" in certain parts of his small home, but despite all this. Voxel is actually a very nice person, just all his life he was forced to go by a certain way of living, which in turn prevented him from being his true self. Voxel is a very good listening by many reasons, he loves to communicate and make allies as they are good for many reasons. But not only that he is thoughtful and caring as well, but can be strict.

    Voxel tends to be rather stern when it comes to his friends and comrades, making sure that they are able to follow rules and regulations properly. He tends to take charge when he is assigned as a team leader and will often be the one giving orders, but is able to take them as well. He works well with others and alone if needed, but mostly he is one who always protects his comrades if he has a strong connection to the. But if they are just some random person whom he knows nothing about, he will use them until their usefulness is wasted. Often times Voxel will be somewhat of a moody person, for he suffers from mood swings, though not a big thing to worry about, but this can cause Voxel to snap for he has some what of a mild fuse. Though it takes a lot to tick him off, once you do, two things can occur, one he can enter his Ninja state of mind, or two, and this one you wish you didn't wake up.

    Voxel will enter what he calls "The Murderous Child" or his Chaotic Evil alignment due to the state of mind, in this state Voxel will have a child like smile over his face, and not a kind one. This one will be full of twisted thoughts, madness and chaos all bundled into a curious persona. This is when the "Child" in him will come forth and attempt to "Uncover" the inner workings of a human body or mind, as he will often at times toy with his opponent. If he doesn't try to kill you, he will mess with your head, using all he knows about you to break you down, before he then tries to eliminate you. Though it is easy to snap him out of this state of mind, just toss him his favored treats such as Sake or Jewels and he will be back to his old self. If these don't work then pretty much you have pushed him beyond his means of sanity, and will not come back to reality unless knocked out.

    Alignment Signification:
    True Neutral: True Ninja comes forth, Merciless, Deadly, But not insane, Never targets non-hostile people only hostile.
    Chaotic Good:Training Maniac, Sake Lover, Money Lover, Good Leader and Comrade.
    Chaotic Evil: "The Murderous Child", Kills all around him, Toys with their minds before tearing apart.

    - Sneak Tactics: Voxel very much likes to be a sneaky person, and prefers to stay in the shadows so he has the upper hand.

    - Training: Voxel has a habit to be constantly training, whenever he doesn't have a job or is drinking Sake. To him if he trains constantly, he will become stronger.

    - Fighting: Whenever given the chance Voxel will take on a opponent, no manner how strong they are Voxel will fight.

    - Weakness: Not a fond idea for him to have, Voxel doesn't like those around him or even himself to become weak, this includes in decision making or in combat.

    - Spicy Foods: Voxel isn't too keen on eating anything that can cause his taste-buds to melt, or burst into flames. Voxel prefers savory or sweet foods.

    - Sour Foods: Much like his dislike for spicy dishes, Voxel doesn't care for his taste-buds to shrivel up and become useless.

    Fears: (3 minimum)
    - Being Broke: Voxel is a person who doesn't like the idea and dreads the thought of ever running out of Jewels, to him they are like his Chi, they are his spiritual energy,

    - Dying Broke: If Voxel is to die, not like he could care if he did or not, the one thing he would hate is to die without at least one or two pieces of Jewels on him. That way he can pay his way to the place of paradise when he meets that ferryman.

    - Failure as a Ninja: If Voxel was ever considered to be failure or a burden as a Ninja to his comrades or himself. He wouldn't be able to continue being one, for being a Ninja was a dream and a required position in his family for if he didn't be one his father would never consider him a true man.

    - Power: Voxel is a person who is obsessed with gaining power, he will train for hours each day, and even train for days on end til he is exhausted. In the possibility that he will gain more power, even if it is just a small bit.

    - Money: If you pay Voxel, he will basically take on any job that is given to him, he could care less on what the job is, so long as it doesn't involve children, or animals.

    - Sake: If there is Sake around, Voxel will be more than happy to drink with you, his mood will change for the better and he will be a much happier person.

    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Grey
    Skin Tone: Peach Tan
    Height: 179 cm
    Weight: 65 kg
    Overall Appearances: Voxel is a young man with a feminine face, black medium length hair tied up in a topknot, and large grey eyes. A noticeable feature of his are the purple marks underneath his eyes. His body despite the slender and very feminine frame holds a excellent physique. His muscle are not only muscular but also very flexible and nimble, allowing him to turn and twist much easier. He usually appears to be sporting a tight black bodysuit highlighted by metal plating on his shins, arms, shoulders, chest, and waist, as well as a long purple scarf. His body under the suit he wears holds many scars that he obtained through his time in his village located far east of the main Island of Fiore. He always carries a ninjatō and other ninja equipment such as kunais, shurikens, and various forms of bombs.

    Rank: D
    Guild: Wanderer
    Guild Tattoo N/A

    The Shadow Ninja

    Last edited by Voxel on Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:25 am; edited 2 times in total

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 323
    Join date : 2015-12-06
    Age : 23

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Genesis Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:18 pm

    Looks fine to me. First approval given.

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Selenia Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:37 pm

    Hey there Voxel, my name's Selenia and I'll be grading for second approval.

    Just some minor changes. First, please add birthday, allegiance, and gender to your app in the G.I. section. If you don't want to state your birthday, you can just say it is unknown.

    As to your perks, they look fine. Just know that cooldown only needs to be duration +1 post.

    Also, as for the X-Rank of your after image perk, 32 would be the number. Please put in a duration and cooldown for that, as well as for the first perk. Also, can the after images be destroyed by an opponent? If so, how?

    Please make these edits and bump to let me know, thank you!

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-10-05

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Voxel Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:41 pm

    I am done. Bump.

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Selenia Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:12 pm

    Hmm... everything looks good, but unless your character has multiple personalities, he should only have one allegiance. Please edit this and bump, thanks!

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-10-05

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Voxel Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:03 pm

    He does, three in fact, all of which collide with the alignments.

    He has a True Neutral side: Ninja state of mind.
    He has a Chaotic Good: Basic state of mind.
    And finally his Chaotic Evil: "The Murderous Child" state of mind.

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Selenia Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:49 pm

    Okay, please edit that into your app and then you're approved! Thanks~

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-10-05

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Voxel Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:25 am

    Edited the information, implemented the information of his Alignments into his Personality and how to identify when the Alignment alters to the others.

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Voxel lexel Lexov (Done) Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov (Done)

    Post by Selenia Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:44 am


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