Fairy Tail Online RP

Memphis  Finished  Z0wCCXI

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Fairy Tail Online RP

Memphis  Finished  Z0wCCXI

Fairy Tail Online RP

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    Memphis Finished


    Memphis  Finished  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-11-01

    Memphis  Finished  Empty Memphis Finished

    Post by Memphis Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:41 pm

    Memphis Sumus
    Exact date unknown
    Human[Shaman Blood]
    D Rank
    Chaotic Good

    Species Ability/Perk

    Memphis is a very interesting human, his family is a direct bloodline to one of the first gods that ever showed themselves to the world. He is unaware of this direct bloodline due to the fact that his whole family was killed when he was but a small child. His family is blessed with several special skills and abilities due to this divine factor, while his blood has been diluted to the point that he cannot be considered a god like being it still has given him special skills and characteristics that no normal human possesses.
    Spiritual Bridge:

    Nature’s Embrace:

    Special Unique Characteristics

    • Eyes of Heaven: The Sumus’ bloodline has caused those in it to be born with golden eyes that if one stares at long enough will see that the iris’ pattern is constantly moving and shifting though retaining the same color. The constant moving is indication that they are constantly peering off into the different planes of existence.

    • Presence of a Saint: People of this bloodline, even if not gifted with the Shaman abilities, seem to have a presence about them that is soothing to those around them. They do not seem to give off hostile or killing intent often. This causes most people to naturally trust and like those of the Sumus bloodline, which has helped them survive for as long as they have.

    • Natural Aroma: For some reason unknown to even the Sumus they have always naturally given off aromas of nature, wither that be a sweet orange scent, a musky wood scent, or a peaceful floral scent. The scents are not really set to a single scent per person but seem to change with the personality of the person. Memphis’ scents tend to be rooted in more of a wooden base, often with smells of fresh rain, rich mahogany, or a rustic leathery smell.


    Character Depth

    A peaceful fellow, Memphis is nothing if not kind. He is often seen volunteering at a local orphanage or handing out food to the homeless. He seems to not let most things bring him down, people have treated him like shit most of his life due to being a poor, homeless, orphanage who roamed from town to town. Because of this his heart holds a special place for all lost souls that are like him. If you see him wearing an expression other than a smile then something serious must be going on, that or he is not feeling well.

    Memphis is the type of person that will literally give his life to his friends and even to strangers. He has been known to be a bit reckless at times putting his own body on the line in order for somebody else to not be harmed. While most would consider him either crazy or heroic Memphis just sees this as the most natural thing to do, to preserve all life no matter who it may be. Because of this mentality he has an extremely hard time taking the life of any creature good or evil.

    While in battle if Memphis is protecting somebody he loves he will have no qualm going all out against a person. While he tries to avoid killing blows he will aim for attacks that will cripple and maim a person to the point that they will no longer be able to fight. Sometimes though he will even nurse an enemy back to health after beating them up all the while trying to change their ways of thinking into a more peaceful and harmonious one.

    Even though Memphis lived alone in the woods for three years and never had a family his aunt died he still really enjoys the company of humans. He loves to party and be merry. Every Friday and Saturday night you can find him at the bar of whatever town he might be in gorging himself on alcohol and food, while singing and dancing with the locals. Overall Memphis is just a happy go lucky guy that wants nothing more than to befriend everybody and just live a peaceful life, and wishes the same for all those he meets.

    Likes: (3 minimum)
    -Books: Memphis grew up on the stories of the gods and other mythical beings, this interest sparked his devotion to crave knowledge and books. On a majority of his travels he will purchase a number of books and scripts to add to his collection. His own personal library takes up a majority of his home and rivals that of any guild’s libraries.

    -Animals: Memphis actually owns two dogs, they keep him company on his journey. He owns a German Shepard named Knox and a Golden retriever rotterweiler mix named Mac. He's own Knox for about four years while Knox he's had for two years. They sleep with him, go out to eat with them, everything. His cat, Karen, on the other is pretty aloof. She's been known to wonder off for eels at a time exploring different parts of the guild hall. Shes semi shy to most but when she sees Memph shell automatically come up and socialize with him.

    -Alcohol: Memphis is a rather active fellow that enjoys partying and having a grand ol time. He's known through the guild to be able to drink anybody under the table. His favorite type of liquor is whiskey or brandy but he'll settle for anything. As a young man he drank in order to keep the spirits at bay in his head but as time has went on he has turned to alcohol for more fun than medication.

    Dislikes: (3 minimum)
    -Demons: Memphis was just but a babe his mother was hunted down by the demons that she had attempted to seal away when she was but a youth. The demons massacred his entire village, save Memphis and his aunt. His aunt warned Memphis of the darkness of the demons and their savageness before she was slayed in battle against one.

    -Dark Spirits: While he was a young child and unaware of his Shamanistic roots he was unable to filter out the noise of the other world, because of this many dark and angry spirits would often visit him late at night and fill his dreams with night terrors. While he tossed in the dark the spirits would whisper him tales of wars, atrocities, and cruelty. Because of this he was afraid to use his abilities as a child and sought the company of religions to ease his worries, though they were not the solution to his problem.
    -Fleas: Since he takes his dogs on his adventures with him they often get fleas which means Memph gets fleas. He hates having to spend the money on the special shampoo to get rid of them. Lately he's been trying to make his own all natural anti flea shampoo.

    Fears: (3 minimum)
    -Demons: they haunt his dreams and bring out the rage in his heart. While his hatred mainly allows him to push through these fears of a string enough demon shows up he will be frozen in fear while he has just very vague but bloody flashbacks of that fateful night occurred.

    -Identity: While being of the Sumus bloodline he is a high target for creatures that wish to snuff out the purity of the world. This is so important that his aunt even hid his real last name from him, he knows that the last name he goes by is not his real one but fears knowledge of it or that others might find out. If it were to get out that he was a Sumus than he would never live a day in his life where he was not being hunted.

    -Imbalance: The Sumus family have since the dawn of time been a bridge between the world of the living and the other planes of existence, be that the spiritual or divine planes. While most Sumus learn from their elders, Memphis did not get this chance and so he is not fully aware of the charge that has been bestowed upon him. All that he is aware of is that he must keep a balance in the power of the world from more spirits than he cares to talk to. Ever since he learned how to tap into the spiritual plane different spirits from all different walks of life and eras have begged him to keep the balance. He doesn’t know what will happen if it is tipped but fears that it could be catastrophic.

    Motivations/Goals: (3 minimum)
    -Balance: As stated in his fear Memphis has constantly been told about the importance of keeping a balance and harmony in the world. That is why he has not chosen to join any light or dark guilds since he sees that by taking sides with one and not the other might disrupt this balance.

    -Knowledge: Memphis really has no idea of his family’s history or why he is blessed with such skills. His aunt Freya only taught him the very basics and explained very little in an attempt to suppress them and keep Memphis hidden. He would love to know more about himself and his skills but also about all other magic and the history of the world, maybe that is why he is often found meditating talking to the spirits of different ages.

    -Power: Having his whole family destroyed by demons Memphis desires power to keep them at bay. While darkness is needed for balance demons wish nothing more to engulf everything in that darkness leaving no room for the light or anything else.

    Hair: Golden Blond
    Eyes: Gold
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Height: 6 foot 3 inches
    Weight: 160 pounds
    Overall Appearances:


    Guild: Sacred Seas
    Guild Tattoo: Right wrist on the underside in a cobalt blue color

    Last edited by Memphis on Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:54 am; edited 5 times in total

    Memphis  Finished  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-11-01

    Memphis  Finished  Empty Re: Memphis Finished

    Post by Memphis Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:03 pm

    Bumping for this to be checked ^_^

    Memphis  Finished  Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Memphis  Finished  Empty Re: Memphis Finished

    Post by Selenia Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:13 pm

    Heya Memphis, my name's Selenia and I'll be grading your app today ^^

    First off, amazing app, everything looks really awesome. Just wanted to cover a few things I wanted to cover with your perks, everything else looks great.


    So I think this perk is wonderfully done; it reminds me of the Spirit World in A:TLA if you don't mind me saying (I just really love that show xD) I approve, and since it has no PvP usage it doesn't need a cooldown or duration. The only thing I ask is that if you're learning things in battle about a character's magic or something like that after having seen the type of magic they wield, you spread out the knowledge gain over 3-5 posts depending on how complex the magic is to you. If you won't be using this for that kind of thing or anything related to that, however, I think it looks great as is.

    In order to balance this quantitatively as well as qualitatively, I'll allow you to do four elemental resistances at half the percent of your two weaknesses. However, I'll ask that your weaknesses are darkness (which would include shadow) and god slayer magics, only because elemental magics and spells are very common. For example, you can have 25% resistance to Fire, Water, Air, and Earth (I promise I'm not trying to bring A:TLA into this... maybe >.> or any four elements of your choosing) and 50% weakness to Darkness and God Slayer magic. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let me know.

    Everything else looks good though, please edit and bump and I'll get back to you ASAP when you've made the changes, thanks~

    Memphis  Finished  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-11-01

    Memphis  Finished  Empty Re: Memphis Finished

    Post by Memphis Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:22 am

    Edits made!

    And I totally based that first perk on avatar so you're not crazy xD

    Memphis  Finished  Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Memphis  Finished  Empty Re: Memphis Finished

    Post by Selenia Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:19 am

    Just one minor edit you need to make, which I probably should've clarified; on this site, water and ice are technically treated as separate elements. While you could have them both on the list, you would need to remove another one so that it's still four total. You could just remove ice (or water) and that would be fine! Thank for being patient, and please edit and then bump to let me know when you're done~

    Memphis  Finished  ODFYPdI

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2015-11-01

    Memphis  Finished  Empty Re: Memphis Finished

    Post by Memphis Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:54 am

    Edited ma'am.

    Memphis  Finished  Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Memphis  Finished  Empty Re: Memphis Finished

    Post by Selenia Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:11 am


    Have fun with Dragon~ xD

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