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Slow Day at the Guild Z0wCCXI

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Slow Day at the Guild Z0wCCXI

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    Slow Day at the Guild


    Slow Day at the Guild Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Selenia Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:11 am

    The sun was just getting over the horizon in the sky, and while usually the guild would be raucously loud at this time of day, for some reason it was actually quite quiet. Maybe the guild members were out and about today, or possibly on jobs?

    Sighing, Selenia closed her book and looked around. She was sitting at the bar, glass of water in hand, and wondering where in the world everyone was. Normally, she'd summon Plue, but today was his day off, so she was stuck. Of course, there was a stack of paperwork for her to do in her office upstairs, but it wasn't due for a few more weeks, so she put it off for now. Still, the quietness got to her. Where could everyone be, honestly?

    She tried to think of the last time she'd saw someone this morning. Maybe the girls had something going on at Fairy Hills? But that wouldn't explain where the guys were, unless they were trying to peep. But no, that didn't make sense - there would've been at least someone here. Maybe they were all off on jobs? That couldn't be true though... Selenia grabbed the book that held who'd went off on jobs, and saw what she already knew. So if they're not off on jobs, where are they?

    Perhaps at the beach? That might make sense... but then why hadn't anybody invited her? Could it be because she was the guild master? Selenia tried to remember the last time she'd been with the other members to the beach. It had been a fun time, until Aquarius had... oh, that was why. Selenia got up to check the view of the ocean, walking over the floor as each step resounded in the hall, only making her feel more alone. However, when she checked, she saw no one out there. No one at the pool, either.

    Could it be they were in town? Or had they all been abducted by an enemy guild? Or perhaps they'd left because she wasn't really a good guild master... where was everyone? Selenia was about to go to the top of the guild and ring the bell in order to sound an emergency, but she looked at the clock on the wall behind the bar, only to realize it was just past 7 A.M. Of course; she'd gotten up early to start training, before the sun was even up, and then after a quick shower had come here. Now it all made sense. She calmed herself down, smiling to herself, and headed back to the bar stool she'd been sitting on. Maybe she was just a little bit stressed.

    (Feel free to be in the guild already - it's pretty big and Selenia might've not noticed you. You can also walk in now if you wish, totally up to you what you wanna do. Open to all Fairy Tail members! If anyone else would like to join, please PM me.)

    Slow Day at the Guild FcB4idF

    Posts : 155
    Join date : 2015-09-09

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by RockLegendRyu Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:03 pm

    "It looks like someone needs to relax a little bit" a extremely familiar voice rang into the room. He had opened the door and shut if very carefully as to not cause a ruckus like usual. He noticed there was no one inside which was strange to him but he brushed it off continued to walk towards the bar.

    "It been a long time Selenia, sorry i havent been around...my tour took a lot longer than it should have. Last time i saw you, you were a S class wizard...and now you're in charge of the guild...what happened to the other guild master?" He asked her as he approached a bar stool and sat down next to her. He realized how long he had been away and felt somewhat bad about it.

    "Im sorry i was gone but...im here now and ready to support you...ive been training to become your second in command...your S rank if you would so use the term. I would hope to be good enough however...id never let you down if chosen to try" he said sitting there tweedling his thumbs around

    Slow Day at the Guild Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
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    Age : 29

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Selenia Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:38 pm

    At first, lost deep in her thoughts, in the recesses of her own mind, she didn't hear Ryu until he got closer.

    "Oh, there you are, Ryu! I'd been wondering where you'd gone off to. You've been gone a while, huh?" she muttered, thinking of all that had happened during the war. It was still so fresh, and speaking about it again would only open up the wound in her heart. Losing the old guild master was something that she'd carry with her always, and it wasn't going to be easy to get over it, but in any case Ryu deserved to know.

    "I'm afraid... I'm afraid the old master died. It was near the end of the war, and one of the dark guilds ambushed him; no one really knows why. He took them all down, but he couldn't save himself. He saved us all though, and he gave his life to protect us. I just can't believe he's gone. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't even be in this guild right now. I can't imagine never having met him. And now, just like that, it's all over. How can that be? How can it all be over so quickly?" she said, her voice thinning as she reached the end and tears began to appear in her eyes. She wiped them away, trying to remain strong and confident, but the past was just too close, too painful to think about.

    "Anyways, how've you been Ryu? Welcome back, it's nice to see you again. Things really haven't been the same here without seeing all the same familiar faces that I always used to see, you know? After all, the master wasn't the only casualty of war we lost, and of course the same goes for the other guilds. Everyone put their lives on the line to protect what was right to us. And in the end, we did. We won. But at what cost? War is never a good thing, I realize that now. The Magic Council's rules... they were to protect us, not to hinder us. Of course, some of them were a little bit unnecessary," she added, thinking of the stack of paper in her office. "But they really wanted the best for us I think. Anyways, thanks for being here, Ryu. I appreciate it. You're a great help to everyone here in Fairy Tail, I hope you know that, alright?" she asked, putting on a smile for his benefit even as she tried to staunch the flow of her tears.

    Slow Day at the Guild FcB4idF

    Posts : 155
    Join date : 2015-09-09

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by RockLegendRyu Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:52 pm

    I took in all the words she had spoken and processed them in my cpu and had to generate a reply somehow.

    "Yes i have been gone a long time. The World Music Tour took a lot longer than predicted. But i am home no and the lost concert is tonight, here in Magnolia. Here i wanted to give this to you, because even if you didnt want to come, i knew youd like to be offered" I said to her pulling out a back stage pass for tonight and placed it on the bar near her.

    Im sorry to heere about the old master, i wish he could have been here to see us become the victors of a war we did not declare. I know that doesnt make up for all the deaths but, think about what would have happened if we hadnt won." I tried to justify what had happened but there was know way to right those wrong.

    "I personally am okay, however im sure how i feel about the praise youve just given me becase I know deep down inside i helped contribute to the death toll and feel i do not deserve it, but i have been trying to help out as much as i can." I said trying to feel sorrowful but even i knew i couldnt do it, it want in my programng

    Slow Day at the Guild Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Selenia Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:30 am

    "Don't blame yourself. There's nothing you could've done. There's nothing any of us could've done, really. I couldn't even... I couldn't even save him," Selenia muttered, looking down at the floor in shame. What a failure of an S-Rank mage I'd been. Unable to even protect my master from an ambush. He'd been the one protecting us, and now he was gone. But his sacrifice wouldn't be for nothing.

    "Without the wanderers, we might've lost this war. It's thanks to them that we're still here. Everyone has their own path, and you were just walking yours. It's good to have you back though," Selenia said, smiling at him again.

    "And I think I will," Selenia added, taking the ticket. "Magnolia really needs something to take everyone's mind off the war, and I think this is the perfect opportunity. Thank you, Ryu, I appreciate it. Hopefully we'll see if some of the others show up today and you can let them know too."

    Pulling out a silver key, Selenia decided to summon one of her Celestial Spirits, just to have some more company.

    "Open, Gate of the Canis Minor, Nikora!" Selenia shouted as she holds the key out in front of her. A magic circle appears on the ground, and out from it appears Plue, by far the cutest little Celestial Spirit Selenia had encountered. Well, there was Pascal... but he was a handful at times. Still fun in his own way, though.

    "Hey Plue," Selenia said. "How're you doing? Ryu's back from his tour. Here, why don't you sit up here with me?" she asks, picking him up for a moment before setting him back on the counter and sitting herself down as well.

    "Oh, I just remembered! Here Ryu, I want you to meet one of my other Celestial Spirits; I'm not sure if you've met her before, but she's a beautiful singer and she can play the harp. I'm sure you'll like her, she's very sweet," Selenia stated before pulling out another silver key.

    "Open, Gate of the Lyre, Lyra!" Selenia shouted again, holding out the silver key in front of her. This time, Lyra popped out, looking surprised.

    "It's been a while, Selenia! How are you?" Lyra asked gleefully. Selenia felt bad for not summoning her that often, but she promised herself to summon Lyra when she could from now on. Ignoring her Celestial Spirits was not something she wanted to do.

    "I'm doing okay. How bout you, Lyra?" Selenia replied.

    "Pretty good, I was just practicing my lyre skills. Who's this?" Lyra asked again, seeing Ryu.

    "Ah, that's Ryu. He's an A-Rank member of Fairy Tail. Ryu, Lyra. Lyra, Ryu," Selenia says, introducing them.

    "Puu-puun!" Plue exclaims, patting me with his little paws.

    "And of course, you've met Plue. Of course I didn't forget about you, Plue," Selenia smirks, forgetting all about her worries for now. "There's no way I could ever forget about you. Oh wait... was today your day off? I'm sorry. I hope you're not mad."

    Plue simply shook his head, and Selenia breathed a sigh of relief.

    Last edited by Selenia on Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Slow Day at the Guild ODFYPdI

    Posts : 12
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    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Grim Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:27 pm

    Perched upon the rafters of the guild hall, laid a figure, a slender like being resting in a rather feline like manner. The delicate black tail with white tipped fur flicked back and forth, for a yawn emitted from the beings lungs, a bored and rather tired one. Emerald orbs glimmered in the dim light that was of the rafters, where the being looked down at the others walking, and conversing in talk. Feathers falling from his two large wings, tucked up, grey and black like quills of his wings fluttered down from above. Descending upon a few table, like leafs in a gentle wind, dancing through the grasp of the breeze. The being just gave a bored sigh, looking around to see if anyone was more fun than his nap, a shift in the long elegant jet black locks that he bore. For now a pair of feline like ears appeared forth and twitched with ever sound that cascaded around him, above and below.

    Fingers now crawling towards his lips, rubbing the goatee and mustache, the rough, grinding sound it emitted as he scratched it echoed through the roof. His pale like tan skin was shimmering through the locks of hair, and the large wings that where covering his back. The sight of the exposed skin indicated that the being above was not wearing a shirt, but his loose like denim pants, black like his hair were view able. Boots gripped his feet like a lost child with his older brother, black like the pants, and leather in appearance. The sight of the tail flicking wrapped around the figures waist, making appear as though it was a furry belt, the ears now also sliding under the hair. Tangled and in a messy state, the male being not caring at all, closed his eyes and returned to his nap, seeing no one he could have some fun with.

    Slow Day at the Guild FcB4idF

    Posts : 155
    Join date : 2015-09-09

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by RockLegendRyu Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:36 am

    I was unsure of what to thin. Selenia had invited her Celestial spirits to entangle themselves in themselves in our conversation, which was fine by me, even when she was an S-rank wizard she wanted to show me all of her current and new Celestial spirits. I liked meeting new faces and was very happy that Selenia could be as happy as the world would let her at that point. She had summoned two celestial spirits which i believe i had met before but could not recall.

    I bowed when i was introduced to Lyra which would reveal the big black guitar on my back, which i carry around a lot.

    "How long can you keep these Spirits out, because i think i want to listen to Lyra playing...ive grown appreciative of other peoples musical talents and this lovely spirit has definitely peaked my interest in hear what she has in her memory. Even if its only a hour or so id be okay with that." I spoke very calmly looking over the celestial spirit taking a slight interest in her.

    (OOC: Sorry for the short post, but there really wasnt a whole lot to work with)

    Slow Day at the Guild Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Selenia Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:36 pm

    "Are you underestimating your Guild Master? Of course, in the heat of battle, things are different - I have to conserve magic energy, and things are a lot more stressful, so I can't keep my Celestial Spirits out that long. But here, as long as I keep my focus, I can keep Lyra's gate open for a pretty long while. I've had Plue's open for a whole day before and I wasn't even exhausted; he got sent back because I fell asleep. Lyra's only a little bit harder to keep up with than Plue, but I can manage it. So you have all the time you need to show her what you're made of. Although she uses a lyre, I think she'd be able to understand where you're coming from, what with your guitar and all. What do you think, Lyra?" Selenia asks as she tries not to brag. As much as she loved Lyra, Lyra was no combat Spirit, that's for sure. Furthermore, she had a silver key, making it even easier to keep her summoned for long periods of time, especially outside of battle. Selenia hadn't become a Guild Master for nothing; she was no weakling. Her magic was potent in her hands because of the bonds she'd made with her Celestial Spirits, and it was that reason why she'd become Fairy Tail's Guild Master. Looking down on Selenia was a decision you would definitely come to regret.

    "Yeah, I love music. It'd be an honor to hear you play, Ryu. I just hope you'll do me the favor of letting me return the favor. I haven't played for anyone other than Selenia in a while, so I want to hear what someone that isn't biased has to say," Lyra says, giggling.

    "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Selenia asks, looking at Lyra. "Your music is amazing. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Plue's always here to comfort me," Selenia said, smiling at him, "but your music is irreplaceable. It's so beautiful and makes me feel calm and relaxed whenever I hear it. Your music speaks to the soul, and that's more amazing than anything I can do honestly. I'm sure Ryu would love to hear you play, and I'm sure Ryu will do a great job too - he isn't on a tour for nothing, I'd think. What do you say, Ryu? Will you listen to Lyra play? Her singing voice is spectacular too. I really think you'll enjoy it."

    Slow Day at the Guild ODFYPdI

    Posts : 12
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    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Grim Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:43 pm

    With the sounds still crowding the air below, but the sounds of people talking was enough to cause the figure that was sleeping to stir. Because suddenly the figure turned and rolled off the rafter pillar he was perched upon, the sudden shock caused him to yelp. "Bloody crip!" His rather light toned voice echoed through the air, for his wings suddenly burst forth, making feathers dance around him, for the wind his wings emitted caused a few vases to tumble over. And people to cover their ears, his seven foot grey and black wings allowing him to gently glide down to the ground below. His emerald orbs now morphing to that of a feline, a pair of black slits emerged from the deep green ocean, along with a pair of feline like ears and tail. His ears twitching as he landed, and his tail to flicker. Along with his ears upon the top of his head, his hair as well moving, and shifting to the side, allowing his human ears to emerge from the night like strands of hair.

    Once upon the ground, and rubbing his neck from the sudden shock of falling, a low growl emitted from his throat. Similar to that of a angered cat, "Hmph... I guess I am awake now... hate when I do that." A light yet more, deeper tone now altering his voice, as the once light young male like tone was switched to a more bass like tone. The wings upon his back now folding up, and his tail standing up signalling that he was in a more sour mood, as the fur on his tail was puffy. The being looking around, and focused his eyes onto two beings discussing about music and singing. "Hmmm... music... singing... sounds like a jolly good time... might make my day better... since I was awaken in such a unsatisfying manner." The young feline like angel said, with his tone of speech that of a lighter and more faster speed as before, looked upon the young woman and man before him, his bare chest showing off his extreme muscular physique, as he looked at them both.

    Slow Day at the Guild FcB4idF

    Posts : 155
    Join date : 2015-09-09

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by RockLegendRyu Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:40 am

    I looked to Selenia when she asked if i would listen to Lyra play. I looked to Lyra ans smiled like an idiot because there was no better way to answer.

    "Of course ill listen to her music. Us musicians learn to appreciate other works of art and im sure that as a celestial spirit she has had plenty of time to work on wonder masterpieces in her spare time." i said looking back and forth between Lyra and Selenia. Thats when i heard another voice, one i havent heard in a while but also wouldnt be so sure of.

    "Has the cat finally awoken from his nap? or is he about to lay back down and sleep for the rest of the day?" i said in a rather monotonic yet slightly joking voice. I didnt want to seem rude but he was obviously cranky from who knows what.

    "Sel, i wasnt questioning your skills as a mage, i was just merely asking a question that is all. I sinply wanted more information, seeing as youre the only Celestial Spirit mage that i know of. Anyway i think i shall take Lyra and she and I sahll play for each other, unless you guys would like to hear the preview for tonights show, since you guys are my family and all." There was a lot of clashing information in that run on sentence but it was all relevant. I stayed quiet waiting for a response from anyone and everyone at the same time

    Slow Day at the Guild Qm1sqjP

    Posts : 760
    Join date : 2015-10-11
    Age : 29

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Selenia Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:26 pm

    Selenia was a little startled by the sudden noise overhead, but when she looked and saw it was only Grim, she calmed down, taking a sip from her drink as she sat on the counter of the bar, her legs crossed in front of her. She’d completely ignored Grim’s presence while wondering where the guild members were, and who would’ve guessed that he would simply have been sleeping there, although it wasn’t really a surprise. Perhaps she needed to take a vacation; she was stressing herself out too much. In any case, it was nice to know that the guild wasn’t totally empty today.

    “Ah, so there you are, Grim. Good morning. I hope we didn’t disturb you – I didn’t even notice that you were sleeping there, so I apologize. How are you feeling today?” Selenia asked, looking towards the door of the guild as she spoke and wondering if any more of the members would be showing up. Perhaps, perhaps not. One could never really know what everyone was up to, but it would be nice to see everyone today, at least. Perhaps they were just running late? Selenia didn’t really know, but she might as well just focus on the two of her guild members that actually were here now.

    “In any case, that sounds fine, Ryu. Personally, I’d love to hear a preview for the show. It’s up to you, however, since it is your show after all. And I guess I just misunderstood your question, but in any case, the answer is yes, Lyra can stay out for a good while, so you have nothing to worry about. Anyways, you go ahead and go first, if you want. I can’t wait to hear what you have to play for us. I’m sure it’ll be great,” Selenia says, smiling at Ryu now.

    “Grim, you should stick around and listen if you want. I’m not sure if you’ve heard Lyra play either, so this should be fun, don’t you think? What do you say?” Selenia asks Grim. And perhaps the music would attract more guild members into the guild too, but Selenia couldn’t tell for sure. Really, though, this was just a way to pass the time. It was nice to be able to spend some time together with her guild members, after all.

    Putting her keys away, Selenia waited for either of them to respond, or perhaps for someone else to join them.

    Slow Day at the Guild ODFYPdI

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2015-12-08

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by Grim Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:46 pm

    "I'm no mere cat you louse!" "I am a Nekomata, and a Angel for heavens sake." Grim said with a rather discerned tone in his voice, for Ryu never seemed to understand that being called a cat was something he didn't care for. With the sound of his guild leaders words ringing through the air like a bell through the sands of time, he nodded. "Yeah I'm doing fine... was just dreaming I was with my mother back at home... I miss her cooking." "And no you didn't disturb my nap... I needed one after my flying antics in the upper mountains the other day." He said with a rather depressed tone, but that all faded when he heard her talk again, this time asking him if he ever heard the music of the being known as Lyra. "Not sure I have... might stick around... or I might visit my mother and grandfather back in the mountains." "I am sure they would love to see me again."

    Yet again he said in a rather dull tone, before taking a seat at a table near where Ryu and Selenia was stationed at, and gave a rather tired yawn." "Well wow me with your musical talents madame Lyra." His voice echoing through the air, in a majestic and heavenly tone now, for Grims Angelic bloodline was causing his voice to echo. Like many of the Angels can do, he just gave them all a set of soft velvety green eyes, shining with curiosity, and positive energy. It wasn't often Grim got like this, and he looked at Selenia, "and madame Selenia, mind referring to my birth name, Tokaru... Grim is a alias I go by, something that just clicked with me." He asked her in very soft lyrical fashion, almost like that of a tired child, his emerald eyes keeping a fixed gaze at her, as his ears twitched. With his tail flicked and wings fluffing out, nails digging into the table as he sharpened them, and his teeth flashing when he smiled at her.

    Slow Day at the Guild FcB4idF

    Posts : 155
    Join date : 2015-09-09

    Slow Day at the Guild Empty Re: Slow Day at the Guild

    Post by RockLegendRyu Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:25 pm

    "Cat, Angel, whatever...youre an animal with no grace and your words simply do not hurt me in the slightest (mostly because they cant)" I said glaring at Grim, not sure how to feel about him.

    "Anyway, give me about twenty minutes to set up. Lyra, why dont you take center stage first while i set up what i need, im really interested in what youve got to play for me. I mean a celestial spirit whose entire life has been based around performing, MUST have something up her sleeve" I spoke and complimented her at the same time.

    "And maybe, if youd want...We could collaborate and make a song to perform at tonight concert. With Selenias approval of course" i say as i smile at her then look around the room trying to figure out where the best place to set up would be.

    There was a lot of prep work for tonight, but these guys are my family and i wouldnt want it any other way. I appreciate them, even if we insult each other, but everyone gets along differently.

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