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The Magic Guide Z0wCCXI

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The Magic Guide Z0wCCXI

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    The Magic Guide


    The Magic Guide OPwF1AW

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    The Magic Guide Empty The Magic Guide

    Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:37 pm


    The Magic Guide OPwF1AW

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    The Magic Guide Empty Re: The Magic Guide

    Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:38 pm



    The health of your character, and your pets are measured in HP, or health points. At the beginning of all threads, your HP is 100%. You are completely healthy. As the thread goes on, you can lose HP through attacks from other mages or their pets. If your character/pet's HP ever reaches 0% then you die. No exceptions, no take backs. You're dead. Even so, if your HP is 10% or below, you're at the point where your body is most likely quite incapable of moving or battling, anyway.


    Each mage naturally regains HP over time. This applies most to topics that span over a number of days. It will be left to you how much magic you regain, but make sure to note how much is regained if you have a time skip, or your character stays somewhere overnight. Here's a small guide for you to go by:


    This will make it easier for moderators checking that you are being fair with this. It also serves as a good guideline for you when in topics.



    As we all know, this is a magic site. Therefore, each and every one of you can use magic in some way, shape, or form. You are the 10% of Fiore that has the ability to use and utilize magic. Magic itself takes many forms, ranging from Dragon Slayers, Elemental magics, or magics that require an item to use. Here, magic is split into two basic categories, Caster and Holder.

    Caster Magic: Caster magic is magic cast using only a mage's innate magic power, and nothing else. Examples of this magic include Slayer Magic, and Moulding Magic.

    Holder Magic: Holder magic is a type of magic in which a mage uses an item or armor of some sort to cast a spell. These items are practically limitless in shape, they can be anything from a ring, to sword, to a shield. Examples of this magic include Stellar Summoning, and Card Magic.

    Note, this magic has limits. You will be allowed certain items pertaining to spells free of charge, but extra items must be purchased, and gold keys used in Summoning must be applied for, just as with Slayer magic.

    Banned Magic

    There is no completely banned magic. Naturally, you are expected to follow all rules of meta gaming, controlling PCs, and power-playing. Anything thought to be too OP will be denied when you attempt to app it. Keep in mind, however, magics that kill, maim, injure, poison, or anything similar onto another mage without giving them any chance to defend themselves will be denied by any mod and admin. Healing Magics that can bring people back to life will most likely be denied, as well as magic that allowes you to nonchalantly travel through time.


    Spells are what you will cast to fight, defend yourself, or aid others. They come in a wide variety of forms, and are always themed by the magic they are based on. Spells are split up into three main categories: Offensive, Defensive, and Supportive.

    Offensive magic is magic that causes damage to another PC.

    Defensive spells are those that defend your or the mages around you from Offensive magic.

    Supportive spells are spells that neither defend nor attack. Healing magic falls under this category, as well as other spells used for more conventional purposes than battle.

    Each mage starts off with a certain number of spells for free. Here is the list of spells each mage gets for free per rank:

    Spell Numbers:

    Spell Damage

    Most spells cause damage. The exact damage done is calculated by the difference between your own and the opponent's Arcane and Resistance Stats.

    Spell Damage Chart:

    This chart shows you what damage you will do. For example, according to this, a spell done by a mage of B-Rank will deal 27% damage to a mage of C-Rank. Notice, X-Rank numbers are much higher, mostly due to the fact that it's an inhumanely hard rank to get to. These are relative numbers with a good bit of math behind them. All the same, they are simply guildlines, not stone. They are lenient. There is a limit to leniency though, keep in mind that staff will watch for that.

    Spell Usage

    So, here, we have no mana. You do not have a limit on spells you can use, but each spell does have a cooldown. The cooldown depends on the rank of the spell, and should always be at the very least, the duration of the spell, plus one. When you hit the point where you cannot use any spells due to all cooldowns being in progress, you forfeit your chance to attack for that post, unless you wish to attempt a physical attack, such as punching or kicking. Note, no mage can use 100 spells at once, as I'm sure some people will want to do while spamming spells with a low cooldown. You are allowed to guage this, but keep in mind that there is a limit to how much a mage can do.

    Height Limitations

    Due to the large amount of users with magic or perks that allow them to fly, we've come up with some height limitations when flying, to keep things fair in and out of combat. Please follow these numbers when flying:

    D-Rank: 20 meter maximum
    C-Rank: 55 meter maximum
    B-Rank: 105 meter maximum
    A-Rank: 170 meter maximum
    S-Rank: 245 meter maximum
    SS-Rank: 345 meter maximum
    X-Rank: No numbers are currently available

    Status Effectors

    There are three kinds of status effects. Those that deal damage over time, those that impair movement, and those that affect the locations of enemies or allies. They can be single target or AoE as long as they make sense. In addition, a spell can have a damage and status effect; however, the spell will suffer a one rank loss in damage, and the status effect will be at that rank as well. For example, if an S-Rank spell has both damage and a status effect, it will only do A-Rank damage and an A-Rank status effect. Note that the damage, the status effect, or both can be blocked appropriately.

    Damage over Time status effects do damage of the rank of the spell over a set period of time. Note that draining health is not the equivalent of healing oneself.

    Status effects that can qualify as Damage over Time include Bleeding, Burning, Draining, and Poisoning.

    Movement Impairing status effects are able to slow or stop an opponent's movements. While slowing an enemy or rooting them in place is quite simple, completely stunning enemies is quite another matter indeed. While slowed or rooted enemies can continue to defend themselves and attack their enemies, stunned enemies cannot. For this reason, stunned enemies cannot be damaged during the time they are stunned in any way shape or form by anyone. Once the stun ends, they can instantly be attacked, but they will have the chance to defend themselves as per usual. Note that slowing enemies will work inversely to speed boosts with stats.

    Status effects that can qualify as Movement Impairments are Paralysis, Stunning, Immobilization, Petrifying, Binding, Rooting, Snaring, Slowing, Sleeping, and Freezing.

    Here are the numbers for these types of spells:


    Here are the parameters for lasting damage spells:


    Dislocation status effects are ones that affect an enemy's location on the battlefield. Note that these work in the same way that stuns do except that they are different in that they can be defended against during the duration and once the duration ends.

    Status effects that can qualify as Dislocation are Pulls, Knockbacks, Knockups, Knockdowns, Transportation, and Teleportation.

    Physical Attacks/Non Magic Damage

    As well as magic, there are non-magical attacks that also deal damage. Here are the types of non-magical attacks:

    Fist-Fighting/Hand-to-Hand: This is any and all types of fighting where there are no weapons, simply your fist, elbow, knee, or any other body part into the opponent's body with intent of injury.

    Weapons: This is including all NON ENCHANTED weapons. Weapons with abilities, passive, or active, are ENCHANTED weapons, and will be treated just like a spell. Weapons that aren't enchanted, like a regular sword, fall under the non-magic weapons category.

    These  two types of fighting deal less damage than magical attacks, but still do deal damage. Considering that your magical ability has nothing to do with this, this is measured by stats, not by rank. For simplicity's sake, and for more practical reasons, this will be based in your Strength stat. The list is below. Note, all the numbers are based on good, solid hits. Grazing hits, or hits from an injured arm, will be less.

    Non-Magic Damage Chart:

    The Magic Guide OPwF1AW

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    The Magic Guide Empty Re: The Magic Guide

    Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:44 pm

    Summoning Magic

    Summoning magic is any magic in which the mage summons another creature or being into battle for and with them. Summoning magic in itself has certain parameters depending on how it is used, based on the amount of summons that are on the battlefield at one time. For magics that use summons but do not only revolve around summoning, only one summon can be active at a time.

    Single Summoning Magic

    Single Summoning magics deals with the power to have summoning spells that summon one summon. If the summoner wishes to have summons that can take the amount of damage of their spell rank, then they can at most have one summon at the battlefield while their magic is D-B Rank. When their magic is A-SS Rank, they can have two summons on the battlefield. Finally, at X-Rank they can have three summons on the battlefield.

    Multiple Summoning Magic

    Multiple Summoning magics deals with the power to have summoning spells that summon multiple summons. The downside to this, however, is that those summons have their health split between them based on the spell being used. In addition, the burden of having so many summons active will restrict them to only having one summoning spell active at D-B Rank. When their magic is A-SS Rank, they can have two summoning spells active. Finally, at X-Rank they can have three summoning spells active.

    Maximum Amount of Multiple Summons per Rank:
    D-Rank: 10 summons
    C-Rank: 15 summons
    B-Rank: 25 summons
    A-Rank: 40 summons
    S-Rank: 60 summons
    SS-Rank: 85 summons
    X-Rank: 115 summons

    Summon Damage

    Damage done by the summons depends on their spells. They can do physical damage only with a stat boost active, in which case if all the summons attack, their maximum damage will be the damage provided by that stat boost. They can also have spells which will come from the spell slots of your summoning magic and which will do normal spell damage. However, if all summons are performing the spell, it will only amount to the spell's damage according to its rank.

    Summon Duration, Health, and Size

    In either case, the summons will last for a set duration of time unless they are hit with a spell equal to the rank of their health, which is the rank of the spell divided by how many are out when Multiple Summoning Magic is involved. Summon size must also be divided between the summons in the case of Multiple Summoning Magic. The size depends on the rank of the summon, divided by how many summons that spell has active.

    Sizes Per Rank:
    D-Rank: 2 meters x 2 meters x 2 meters
    C-Rank: 4 meters x 4 meters x 4 meters
    B-Rank: 8 meters x 8 meters x 8 meters
    A-Rank: 16 meters x 16 meters x 16 meters
    S-Rank: 32 meters x 32 meters x 32 meters
    SS-Rank: 64 meters x 64 meters x 64 meters
    X-Rank: 128 meters x 128 meters x 128 meters

    Maximum Duration of Summons:
    D-Rank: 3 posts
    C-Rank: 4 posts
    B-Rank: 5 posts
    A-Rank: 6 posts
    S-Rank: 7 posts
    SS-Rank: 8 posts
    X-Rank: 9 posts

    Minimum Cooldown of Summons:
    D-Rank: 4 posts
    C-Rank: 5 posts
    B-Rank: 6 posts
    A-Rank: 7 posts
    S-Rank: 8 posts
    SS-Rank: 9 posts
    X-Rank 10 posts

    The Magic Guide OPwF1AW

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    The Magic Guide Empty Re: The Magic Guide

    Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:02 pm

    Celestial Spirit Magic

    The Magic Guide Gold_and_Silver_Keys

    As many of you may already know, the Celestial Spirits are based off of the 88 constellations. In the anime the Golden keys are considered rare. However, starting now you are allowed to create your own Golden or Silver key. Although the Celestial Spirits are based of the 88 constellations, they do have the word "Celestial" in their name. Due to this these spirits could come from anywhere in the universe. So you now have complete freedom to design your own Celestial Spirit, which should make things much easier for all of those who decide to become Celestial Spirit mages!

    The Golden Keys: In order to obtain a Golden key you must be S-Rank or higher and purchase it from the shop or obtain one from an event. You may start your magic off with 2 free Golden Keys for which you apply for starting at S-Rank. Your Golden keys must be S-Rank through X-Rank. If you wish to have more gold keys than the original two, you can either get them through events, or purchase them in the shop. Instead of getting another Golden key at X-Rank, however, a Celestial Spirit mage can summon the Celestial Spirit King, about which there is more information below.

    The Silver Keys: All Silver keys must be A-Rank and lower. You may purchase a Silver key from the shop only. D-Rank may only have one free Silver key starting off. C-Rank may start off with two free Silver keys. B-Rank may start with three free Silver keys. A-Rank may start with four free silver keys.

    The Magic Guide Some_Information

    First off, the perks section for Celestial Spirit mages does not exist; instead, it is replaced by a list of the keys they currently have in their possession as well as what rank those Celestial Spirits are and a description of their appearance, personalities, and particular magic type. The perks of Celestial Spirit Magic are as follows: Force Gate Closure, Star Dress, and Self-Summoning.

    The user is allowed to conjure up a Celestial Spirit using one of their many keys. D-B Ranks may only have 1 Spirit out on the battlefield at a time. A-SS Ranks may have a maximum of 2 Spirits out on the battlefield at a time. X Ranks may have a maximum of 3 Spirits out on the battlefield at a time. Each Celestial Spirit will have a cooldown. However, if you are out-numbered you can divide and conquer by sending one of your spirits to battle another opponent. This is one of the strengths of Celestial Spirits, although it is quite hard to pull off. 

    While your opponent is able to take on two S Rank Spirits if they are S Rank themselves, due to being out-numbered it does make it much, much harder for the opponent to avoid attacks. It will come down to their skill in RP to ward off an assault of 2 Celestial Spirits. Unlike close combat fighting, the spells will work differently. Each Celestial spirit you have will be given spells depending how much you have available. Now, say you are S Rank. Since you start with 7 spirits and 13 spells, you can divide those up how you see fit. You can also choose to not give some of your spirits any spells yet until you can obtain more spells. While as a normal mage you can only cast one spell at a time, as a Celestial Spirit user you can cast a multitude of spells simultaneous through use of your spirits, allowing you to completely overwhelm your opponent.

    Closing the gates requires a mutual agreement from both the summoner and the spirit. However, some Celestial Spirit Mages have demonstrated the ability to force the gates to close in battle, compelling the Spirits to return back to the Celestial Spirit World. This is known as Force Gate Closure. However, Force Gate Closure comes with a price; not only does this perk go on a cooldown equal to that of the Celestial Spirit that was sent back to the Celestial Spirit World, but also gives the Celestial Spirit that was sent back to the Celestial Spirit World a three post increased cooldown (regular cooldown plus three posts).

    Celestial Spirits also have the power to self-summon. Self-summoning means the Celestial Spirit shows up of its own volition, passing through the gate by its own power. However, the Celestial Spirit mage and the Celestial Spirit must have a strong bond for this to be possible. To accomplish this, the Celestial Spirit mage must have summoned that Celestial Spirit ten different times. In addition, self-summoning can only happen once per topic, and if a Celestial Spirit mage has all their allowed amount of Celestial Spirits on the battlefield, self-summoning cannot occur until one of the Celestial Spirits has left the battlefield. After a Celestial Spirit is self-summoned, if the Celestial Spirit mage has all their allowed amount of Celestial Spirits on the battlefield, they cannot summon another Celestial Spirit until one of the Celestial Spirits has left the battlefield.

    As a Celestial Spirit user you have your spirits to defend you. Your Spirits can only absorb damage equal to the rank they are. If they are hit with a spell of equal rank they are to return to the Celestial Spirit World immediately and cannot be brought until a certain amount of posts based off their rank for their cooldown.

    Duration of spirits:
    D-Rank: 3 posts
    C-Rank: 4 posts
    B-Rank: 5 posts
    A-Rank: 6 posts
    S-Rank: 7 posts
    SS-Rank: 8 posts
    X-Rank: 9 posts

    Cooldown of Spirits:
    D-Rank: 4 posts
    C-Rank: 5 posts
    B-Rank: 6 posts
    A-Rank: 7 posts
    S-Rank: 8 posts
    SS-Rank: 9 posts
    X-Rank: 10 posts

    Now, a Celestial Spirit mage, after reaching SS Rank, is given access to a Star Dress. A Star Dress is not in itself, always a dress, but is rather a mode in which a Celestial Spirit mage has the ability to transfer into an outfit, much like a Requip mage would. This outfit is attached to a Gold Key Celestial Spirit, and gives the mage the ability to take on the passives and spells of the spirit in question. While this is accessible from SS Rank on, it is not something that can simply be used right off of the bat. To use a Star Dress, you need at least 10 two person topics of at least 2 pages in length where you summoned the spirit. Topics with 3 or more people may be used as well, but for each extra person in the topic, you must have an extra page as well. If you are using a Star Dress, only 1 gold key may be out to aid you in battle.

    The Magic Guide Celestial

    Finally, if all else fails Celestial Spirit mages will have one final trump card, although he has no key. This final trump card is known as the Celestial Spirit King. The Celestial Spirit King is the most powerful Celestial Spirit. All Celestial Spirit mages have access to the Celestial Spirit King but must meet three conditions in order to summon him. The first is that you must have had one golden key for at least a month, in real life time. Secondly, you must send back any Celestial Spirits and change out of any Star Dresses in the battle. Finally, you must be at least X Rank to be able to summon the Celestial Spirit King. However, because you must be X Rank, your power is so great that you do not need to break a golden key in order to summon him.

    Now, if you are able to summon the Celestial Spirit King, you have achieved something great. In fact, you have achieved something amazing. Upon summoning the Celestial Spirit King, you will be given a special barrier placed on you that can block the next spell that hits you and refreshes until the Celestial Spirit King is gone. The Celestial Spirit King's strength is always 50% higher than that of your opponents. This means if your opponent is S-Rank, the Celestial Spirit King is at the halfway point between S and SS-Rank. Your opponent will always be fighting an uphill battle against the Spirit King, trying desperately to defend against his onslaught. Each of the Celestial Spirit King's spells are also 1 rank higher than your opponents, meaning the enemies spells can only partially block that of the Spirit King. The Spirit King can only stay on the battle field a short time, meaning 4 of your posts. This also can only be used once per topic, and is only to be used as a last resort. It should only ever be used extremely sparingly in the utmost dire of situations when your character's life is in danger, AKA not during friendly PvP or during jobs, and if you are caught, you will be reprimanded for abusing it. If two or more X-Rank Celestial Spirit mages are in a topic together, the Celestial Spirit King can only be summoned by one of them at a time, while the others can choose to add a full extension to the Celestial Spirit King's duration if they so choose, but if he is sent back then he cannot be summoned again whatsoever during the topic. In addition, if two Celestial Spirit mages are battling, the Celestial Spirit King cannot be summoned at all; he will not take a side in the battle. The Celestial Spirit King can fly engulfed in light and leaving behind a trail similar to a falling star's, and use one spell, known as Meteor Blade. More spells can be given to him, but they must take up X-Rank spell slots.

    Meteor Blade: An immensely powerful offensive technique which the Celestial Spirit King performs by putting both hands on his swords' hilt and then executing a vertical frontal slash with it. This motion causes a huge, linear blast to be generated in front of him, surging up to the sky in height and covering an incredibly long area while causing astounding damage, capable of drastically changing the appearance of its elongated point of impact. This has a one post duration and can only be used once per topic. It does damage the rank of the Celestial Spirit King.

    The Magic Guide OPwF1AW

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    The Magic Guide Empty Re: The Magic Guide

    Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:09 pm

    Requip Magic System
    Requip allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Requip can be used for simple or combat-related purposes. Some users may just choose to use it to change their clothing. More skilled users are able to Requip different weapons in battle, and it is even possible to Requip armors in the midst of battle.

    All users that wish to be Requip mages will have three preset perks for their magic that cannot be changed unless the Requip is an exception and doesn't use one or more of the perks, in which case the perk can be replaced, but then that perk cannot be part of your Requip in any way, shape, or form. The three perks will be as such: Dimensional Pocket, Elemental Affinity, and Quick Change. Dimensional Pocket is a perk which will store the armor, weapons, clothes or what have you; all Requip mages will most likely have this perk. Elemental Affinity is a perk will allow them to correspond any given element to their armor or weapons so long as they have it unlocked; some Requip mages will have this perk. Quick Change is a perk which allows the Requip user to switch out their battle gear in the midst of battle; all Requip mages will most likely have this perk.

    All Requip users will start off with three items which they will have to make, these items can be anything from armor, to weapons to a miscellaneous item. These items will be made in the weapons template or item template and will be equal to or lower than the Requip user's magic's current rank. These items will be their starting items which they will be able to switch from with the Quick Change perk starting at C-Rank. They will also be able to incorporate their items with their Requip spells depending on the armor.

    Information on the Perks:

    Dimensional Pocket: This perk allows the user to store and place armor, weapons, and items, even clothes, of their choosing for later use. The dimensional pocket has limited space per rank, and once filled up, will have to be emptied to make more space. Dimensional pocket has both combat use and non combat use. This can not be used to store people, only inanimate objects.

    D Rank Space: Up to 6 Items
    C Rank Space: Up to 8 Items
    B Rank Space: Up to 10 Items
    A Rank Space: Up to 12 Items
    S Rank Space: Up to 14 Items
    SS Rank Space: Up to 16 Items
    X Rank Space: Up to 18 Items

    Side Note: If you die with your items stored in the dimensional pocket they are lost for good as the dimensional pocket was owned by that character who died and each dimensional pocket can only be accessed by the one who created it.

    Elemental Affinity: This Perk allows the Requip user to store an element inside of a weapon or piece of armor. The first three items the Requip user will have will be able to have one element, other elements will have to be achieved through missions or implanting lacrima into the weapons. The process of storing an element into a weapon is the process of slaying monsters via missions and using their hide, venom or what have you and forging it into a weapon which will store an element inside of the weapon. Each weapon can only have one elemental affinity but Requip user's can have unlimited elements to use if and only if they have the weapons with the element. With elemental affinity, Requip users can adapt their magical power to the given element of the current weapon they are using. This perk is only for Requips that have elemental aspects, and can be replaced with a different perk if the armors won't be elemental.

    Quick Change: This perk allows the user to switch armor and weapons in the midst of battle, this perk must be unlocked as it is a difficult ability to master. The user needs to be of at least C-Rank to learn Quick Change.
    In addition, Quick Change requires a 1.5k WC to unlock and allows the user to switch out armor and weapons in the midst of battle. While Quick Change has no duration, meaning an armor may remain for as long as the wearer wants, it does have a cooldown, however.

    D-Rank can't use Quick Change yet.
    C-B Rank has a cooldown of 3 posts.
    A-S Rank has a cooldown of 2 posts.
    SS-X Rank has a cooldown of 1 post.

    The Magic Guide OPwF1AW

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    The Magic Guide Empty Re: The Magic Guide

    Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:20 pm

    Take Over Guidelines

    Take Overs:
    Take Over, being a magic with many various types of souls involved, will be a pretty diverse magic. Given that a Take Over mage can have any number of different souls based on the type they use at their disposal, the spell usage will be different. The souls must all be part of one specific Take Over, however, as each type of Take Over must have a specific genre or style.

    The various souls of Take Overs will be one spell on their own, with no duration, but a cooldown that is the total number of posts the Takeover was held plus one. The spell for the soul will be a passive ability, such as speed, strength, flight and so on, and also allow for the Take Over. A mage's other spell slots will be used to create spells for each soul in their Take Over magic. The only requirement as to what rank spells a soul may receive is that the rank of the spell for the Take Over must be equal to or greater than any spell used during the Take Over. However, the spells each Take Over soul has can be divided any which way between the spells themselves. Spells can only be used with certain Take Overs and this must be specified as to which Take Over the spell belongs to. They must be affiliated to the Take Over being used, but in all other way are like normal spells.

    Partial Take Over:
    When a Take Over mage wishes to only do a Take Over on a part of their body, such as the arm, the spells cast while in the half-transformed state will be half their regular power, as well as the partial Take Over having half the cooldown a full Take Over would.

    Take Over mages have the power to control and assimilate beings or things that are part of their specific type of Take Over. However, the being or thing that is controlled or assimilated must be of equal or lower rank compared to the Take Over user. In addition, controlling player characters is not allowed. To assimilate something, the caster must have at least one spell slot open the rank of the being or thing that is assimilated in order to create a new soul for the Take Over magic. In addition, this must be listed as a perk of the magic to use.

    The Magic Guide OPwF1AW

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2015-03-08

    The Magic Guide Empty Re: The Magic Guide

    Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:27 pm

    Slayer Magic Information:

    Dragon Slayers:

    This form of Magic was born over four hundred years ago during the Dragon Civil War. The Dragons split into two factions: those who supported peaceful coexistence with humans, and those who did not. However, the war ripped apart the lands and was locked in a constant stalemate. To end the stalemate, the Dragons that supported coexistence played a dangerous card: they taught their special Magic to the humans they sought to coexist with. Although the war shifted in their favor, the Dragons miscalculated. Some of the humans who were taught this special Magic began to slay not only enemy Dragons, but allied ones as well. Such actions earned the humans who were taught this magic by the dragons the name Dragon Slayer. Dragon Slayers can eat all pure forms of their own element, but they cannot eat elements that are mixed with other elements. In example, Ice Dragon Slayers cannot eat Dark Ice. If they do, they get incredibly sick and damage will still be done to them.

    The form of elemental magic they use is neutral (pure) one which is in between the light and dark side of the magical spectrum. This type of magic deals double damage to Lizard, Wyvern, and Dragon non-human type opponents.

    Though Dragon Slayers get all of these perks, they do have one set back: Motion sickness. Dragon Slayers cannot ride on vehicles of why kind without getting motion sickness. However, they can use their exceeds or friends to fly around as they are not vehicles. Motion sickness can be cured per thread by the use of a status effect healing spell.

    Extra Boosts:




    God Slayer Magic:

    God Slayers can eat any form of their own element; pure and mixed. However, they cannot consume the element of their Demon Slayer counterpart. 

    The color of God Slayer Magic is a darker version of the element's natural color and usually appears as a black version of whatever element they're using. This form of elemental magic uses darkness which is on one end of the magical spectrum. The element of darkness is being mixed with the other elements to alter their properties slightly. This caused the God Slayer magic to deal double damage towards Holy, God, and Angel type non-human beings. For example, the Heaven God Slayer uses a dark form of light that is beyond a Dragon Slayer's ability to consume. Dragon and Demon Slayer's cannot consume this magic.

    Extra Boosts:




    Devil/Demon Slayer Magic:

    Also known as Exorcist Mages, Devil Slayers are people that utilize Devil Slayer Magic. Like Dragon Slayers and God Slayers, Devil Slayers can also become resistant to the effects of their respective element and can even eat it to replenish their strength. To some degree, it appears that Devil Slayers have the ability to resist the effects of curses however a large portion of their body turns black and has the appearance of being dead. 

    Demon Slayers can eat any form of their own element; pure and mixed. However, they cannot consume the element of their God Slayer counterpart. The color of Demon Slayer Magic is a whiter version of the element's natural color. This is because the form of elemental magic they use is light which is on the other end of the magical spectrum. 

    The element of light is being mixed with the other elements to alter their properties slightly. Because of the mixed in light properties, Demon Slayers deals double damage towards Darkness, Demon, and Undead type non-human beings. For example, the Hell Demon Slayer uses a blessed form of darkness that is beyond a Dragon and God Slayer's ability to consume.

    Extra Boosts:




    Legendary Creature Slayer's are naturally as magically and physically strong as a third gen slayer, while they can activate slayer force at will, after doing so once in a thread they must then consume or absorb their element in order to enter in once again, which makes them viciously ill before they enter Slayer Force the second time. They can eat all forms of their element with the exception of mixed elements (e.g. A Phoenix Slayer can't eat a lava dragon slayer's attack [fire+rock] but can eat a fire God Slayer's or fire Devil Slayer's attack.) In exchange for their ability to eat their element from the other three slayer types; they get sick from eating/absorbing their element and are incapable of learning a secondary form of magic, which means that unlike the other Slayer's, they are incapable of gaining a Secondary Element. Plus, the only way to become one is to be taught by the Legendary Creature in their temple, as well as pass the mandatory rite of passage of slaying said mentor creature, thus preventing the possibility of there being a second slayer of such type existing at the same time as the First Generation. Furthermore, when the Legendary Creature Slayer dies, they are revived as the new Legendary Creature, thus leaving them to find a pupil of their own.


    Phoenix - Fire

    Basilisk - Poison

    Leviathan - Water

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